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How to Succeed: Overcoming Perfectionism and Procrastination: Two Sides of the Same Coin

Perfectionism and procrastination are generally considered separate and unrelated topics. However, when closely examined, they seem more like kissing cousins ​​than casual friends.

Procrastination is an obvious obstacle to success and achievement; while the other, perfectionism, appears as the desire to present quality and precision. More often than not, they both serve the same purpose… keeping you from achieving your goals and dreams. Let’s take a closer look to see what I mean.

Perfectionism… the ego power game! I have had my own problems and experiences with perfectionism. One thing I’ve learned about it is that seeing something as “perfect” is relative to where we are at a particular moment in our growth and awareness.

I’m still working to get over it completely, but now I’m much better at sensing when I’m giving up. It was an obstacle to being and presenting my best self for a long time. When I learned to let it go and allowed my inner self to express itself as I am, things started to flow much better and I achieved much more.

When I look back at some of the work that I once thought was ‘perfect’, well…now it doesn’t look so perfect. I have grown and evolved; and my beliefs and perceptions have changed.

While most of my work still does me proud, other projects seem underdeveloped or unpolished. And, some of it makes me say to myself… ‘what was I thinking when I wrote or did that!’

For example, I started writing a book a few years after losing my son. He seemed so enlightened and powerful at that moment. I spent years rewriting, revising, and trying to ‘make it perfect’.

He had a lot to say and he wanted it to be the right thing. In the end, I never published it. I worked on it for years, but it was never completed. For me, it was never the shining example of perfection that I wanted it to be.

Now, when I look at the manuscript, I regret not having completed it and published it. I had a message that was never delivered. Those he wanted to help never got around to reading what he was offering, which means we all lost the benefit of that missed opportunity.

Now let’s take a look at procrastination. Simply put, this is the one habit that will stop you in your tracks. We all do it, even successful people procrastinate. The difference is that they have learned to recognize it and have developed techniques to control and overcome it.

Procrastination manifests itself in many ways. When it comes time to work on our projects and tasks, we unconsciously seek and find every excuse in the world to avoid doing them.

At the office, we take bathroom breaks, visit co-workers, drink coffee, make phone calls, maybe surf the net! At home we play with the kids, we walk the dog, we do the housework, we water the plants, we make phone calls, and yes, we surf the net… see where I’m going with this?

Now, it’s okay if you procrastinate from time to time; and don’t beat yourself up for it. But you need to recognize the signs when it’s doing it and take steps to stop it before it stops you.

While perfectionism appears to be a positive attribute and is perceived as something to be admired, procrastination is widely recognized for what it really is…a roadblock to success.

The bottom line is that whether you are a perfectionist or a procrastinator, the end result is the same…you miss deadlines, complete projects, and achieve your goals and dreams.

If these time-wasting and energy-consuming behaviors are allowed to continue unchecked, you will end up feeling frustrated and defeated all the time.

No matter how talented and capable you are, you will never realize your full potential until you master and control these behaviors.

So what is the answer? It’s simple, though not necessarily easy. First, learn to identify what behavior you are exhibiting and when.

Are you continually reworking, rewriting, and revising projects that cause you to miss or postpone deadlines? That could be a sign of perfectionism.

Instead, do your best to complete your project, make reasonable revisions, and post as complete…on time. When you’ve done your best, you know it, and feelings of success and achievement are your rewards.

When you’re procrastinating, you have a hard time even starting a project. His stomach knots, he feels anxious, restless and even guilty.

But, once you get past the procrastination and complete a milestone or task, you feel relaxed, fulfilled, and motivated. This gives you a sense of success and achievement and increases your self-confidence.

Now that you know how to recognize what behavior you are exhibiting, you can decide what actions to take. I said the answer was simple, but not necessarily easy.

The truth is that you are the solution. And how to handle these challenges is up to you.

Taking action requires willpower, concentration and self-discipline. Make the decision to change the self-defeating behaviors of perfectionism and procrastination and choose to experience success and fulfillment instead.

Make a plan. The next time you start procrastinating, stop; take 3 deep breaths and do something related to your project or work.

When you see perfectionism rising, set a deadline to complete a phase or milestone and stick to it. Do your best, then let it complete and move on to the next phase or project.

As with all things in life, it all comes down to making decisions. You can choose to continue to experience the limitations and resistance of perfectionism and procrastination, or to embrace the freedom and exhilaration that comes with achievement and success.

Procrastination and perfectionism, or success and achievement; Which of these two kissing cousins ​​would you rather have in your family? Choose wisely… you will spend the rest of your life with them. Perfect!

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