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How To Serve The Kitchen Cabinets That Scramble

By nature, humans are programmed to live for more. Some things, like nicer clothes or a faster car, are within our reach. Others, like a less annoying mother-in-law, are wishful thinking. One goal that is very achievable, and worth achieving, is updating your kitchen cabinets.

As the focal point for many families, the kitchen plays a huge role in the feel and functionality of your home. But just like your wardrobe, what seemed perfect when you first bought it may need a makeover. Since cabinets are an integral part of that room, they can be a key ingredient in satisfying your hunger for change.

Opposites draw attention

If your drab old kitchen is getting you down, maybe it’s time to mix things up. Placing light colored kitchen cabinets next to dark ones is a simple change that makes a powerful statement. For even more differentiation, install glass doors in one of the kitchen cabinets to display elegant wine glasses or decorative plates. Then mix it all up with a modern backsplash that incorporates both colors.

The result will be similar to your relationship: a generous helping of commonalities with enough contrast sprinkled in to keep it interesting.

Paint, Paper, Pop

To make open or glass-front kitchen cabinets stand out without the need for a major overhaul, try painting your interiors a bold color or hang wallpaper on the back of kitchen cabinets. Choose a color that contrasts with the items on display but blends well with the rest of the room’s décor.

As with any of these kitchen cabinet changes, a custom designer can offer valuable advice on what works and what doesn’t. Best of all, even if they do all the hard work, you can take the credit when the rave reviews roll in.

put a cork

A bulletin board or corkboard is a great solution for keeping up to date and minimizing clutter. But from an aesthetic point of view, it is somewhat lacking. It’s a problem that cries out for a creative solution, and kitchen cabinets are up to the challenge. Imagine a message board on the side of a pantry with a cabinet door enclosing it. For the person who wants it all, this approach to kitchen cabinets will keep them organized without detracting from the overall design scheme. Do you get the message?

colorful character

There’s nothing worse than taking a “less is more” approach to home decorating, only to realize that, in some cases, “less really is less.”

If your neutral-themed kitchen is bordering on boring, let kitchen cabinets save the day. Pick a vibrant color like yellow or red and place it strategically on a kitchen cabinet panel. Don’t go so far that it’s overwhelming; just add enough to really bring the space to life. If the old look was draining your enthusiasm, this one is sure to bring some color to your cheeks.

Look inside

As your mom tried to tell you when you lost the battle with a prominent pimple, it’s what’s on the inside that counts. Maybe you didn’t buy it then, but it’s an easy sell when it comes to kitchen cabinet storage. A slide-out drawer under the sink helps you organize cleaning supplies while keeping them easily accessible. Just like your mother, she is the perfect combination of inner and outer beauty.

So if your current kitchen has seen better days, see it as an opportunity to start over. And if your mother-in-law is really getting to you, maybe you just need to see her in a new light; or a new area code.

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