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How to select team positions in Tee Ball with players new to the game

Important aspects to consider when selecting a tee ball team are variations in the age, physical abilities, and maturity of the players on your team. The age variance allows boys to accept greater fielding and hitting responsibilities as they get older. Players hope to become the “big kid” and get more “important” positions on the field and in the batting order. With these ideas in mind, here are the suggestions offered to new coaches on how to set up their field positions.

1. Younger, less experienced or physically immature players are placed in the outfield. (The coach should keep them on their toes during the game as these younger players can quickly lose concentration.)

2. Second base and catcher can be used to give up a younger, inexperienced player with reasonable skills without hindering the team too much.

3. The shooting position should be given to your most agile player. He/she must be good at catching, fielding, fast, and able to throw accurately over short distances.

4. The normal shortstop (ie, a fielder between second and third base) needs to field and catch well, particularly on hard-hit balls. He/she needs to be able to produce long, accurate throws to first base. He/she also needs to be alert to the possibility of double plays to second and third base, as well as tagging the runner between these two bases.

5. The “short stop” between first and second base (when there are more than nine players on the field) needs to field and catch well but doesn’t need a strong pitch as he only needs to throw short distances to first or second base. This is a perfect position for a talented young player.

6. The third baseman needs to have the best, longest, most accurate throw on the team to get an out at first base. Do not neglect this position. As players develop and their hitting improves, hitters will drive harder and harder hits down the third base line to give them more time to get to first base. Then the third baseman will have more work and will be able to influence the outcome of all games.

7. Initially, the first baseman just needs to be able to catch well. This is a good spot for a southpaw, as he can lean toward the ball with his right arm facing infield, ready to throw after catching the ball to throw out another runner. Other skills will come with practice. Tell the player to always catch or stop the ball at all costs. Forget the point guard and runner if the pitch is poor. Remind him that he only needs to catch the ball and put his foot on the base to get the ‘out’. With some experience, you catch them teaching them to tag.

8. The receiver position can be given to a younger player. Encourage him to be alert to errors that must be fielded and thrown inside the baseline to first base to avoid hitting the runner. Second, he must be ready to catch a ball thrown to home base to make the runner come from third base on a force play by remembering to have one foot on home plate.

9. This was the order in which the coach was encouraged to select his field positions.

has. Tone;

b. Short stop;

against third base;

d. first base;

me. Brief stop near first base if using more than nine players;

F. second base;

gram. fighter;

H. Gardeners.

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