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How To Make Peppermint Herbal Honey For Cold And Flu Symptoms

Peppermint is a cooling herb to soothe a fever or sore throat and help heal other cold and flu symptoms. Peppermint Herbal Honey is a tasty and delicious way to add this herb to your arsenal of herbal cold and flu remedies.

Peppermint honey has been used by traditions around the world for thousands of years to relieve cold and flu symptoms such as sore throats, congestion, headaches, coughs, and pneumonia. Peppermint is well known for calming nausea and stomach spasms as well.

Menthol is one of the volatile peppermint oils and is antibacterial. Fights infections, kills germs, and soothes infections in the nose, sinuses, and chest. It loosens congestion and makes mucus flow, flushing the virus out of your body with it.

Peppermint is rich in magnesium, phosphorus, riboflavin, calcium, iron, niacin, potassium, and vitamins A and C. All of these minerals and vitamins help the immune system fight infection.

To make herbal peppermint honey, simply fill a small mason jar with the chopped leaves. Spread the raw honey over the leaves and gently stir to soak them. Fill the jar with raw honey, cover tightly, and set out on your counter to infuse for 2-6 weeks. Stir or flip the jar every day. You can start using it within a day or two, but as it infuses over time it will become more medicinal. To use it, simply put 1 tablespoon of honey in a cup and pour boiling water over it to make a delicious tea.

©2009 Shanna Ohmes

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