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How to Kill Bed Bugs, Lice and Dust Mites Effectively

If your peaceful sleep is spoiled by the fact that you wake up every morning with insect bites on your body, you may want to find out. how to kill bed bugslice and dust mites effectively.

What are they?

These bugs are basically parasites that will be more than happy to live on your bed, mattresses, sheets, and sheets. Bed bugs and lice tend to feed on warm human blood, while dust mites feed on flakes of dead skin. They can be spotted if you look hard enough, however most of the time they remain hidden. If left unchecked, they can easily multiply and be a health treat later on. That is if they haven’t irritated you with their bite marks, making it itchy where they bit you.

Bed bugs tend to leave raised red bite marks on the body and are usually discovered in the morning when a person wakes up. Lice only prefer to live in a person’s hair. But they can be downright contagious, causing itchy, swollen heads from all the scratching.

How to kill them?

The thought that you have all these bugs loose in your bed, carpets, and clothing is enough to drive you to search for the right remedy to kill them all. The first step would be to remove all bedding, sheets, pillowcases to wash them in hot water and tumble dry. Heat tends to kill these bugs. Vacuum the carpet or have it washed as well. Second, you should buy a begging bug control. These are basically insecticides that are sold at your local pest control store. Using these insecticides with a combination of keeping your house clean are effective steps to get rid of these insects.

If you have discovered any lice on yourself or your children, the whole family will need to wash regularly with soap and shampoo. Make sure you have all your clothes washed in hot water as well. Any stuffed toys should be sealed in a plastic bag or washed. If your children consistently have problems with head lice, even after you’ve gotten rid of them, the problem may be caused by the other kids at school they’re hanging out with. These children may have head lice and have therefore passed them on to their children. Find out who they usually hang out with and check the kids’ scalps. Inform the parents and let them know if it is true that the other children have head lice.

Dust mites tend to thrive and feast on the flakes of dead skin shed by humans. One of the ways to get rid of them is to address the dust problem in your home. Keep your home constantly clean by vacuuming and removing dust particles. They don’t call dust mites for nothing. Because it is the byproduct of these dust mites that will trigger allergies.


Using a combination of insecticide and keeping your home constantly clean will help kill and get rid of these unwanted insects effectively. It requires discipline on our part as well.

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