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How to induce sleep – 10 ideas

I used to stay up at night wondering how I could induce sleep! Honestly; I did it, it was not a joke.

In fact, I got to a point where I wasn’t really looking forward to the end of the day, as I knew that was when the battle would start.

So I got to work and set out to find ways to help me sleep well.

I have tried all of the following with varying degrees of success. The last one is the remedy I have stuck with as it works the best for me, but everyone is different so try them all and see which one works best for you. I hope you discover 1 that yes.

1. Encourage a bedtime routine, such as always going to bed at the same time (even if you’re not sleepy). Remember that it takes 2 weeks for a pattern of behavior to become a habit, so don’t give up after a few nights if nothing seems to be happening differently.

2. Outdated, I know, but it can work. Always have a hot drink with milk before going to bed. This is scientifically proven to help induce sleep.

3. Pay attention to where you sleep. Is it too light for you even with the curtains closed? Consider buying shades or blinds with a ‘blackout’ fabric as a lining. They are readily available, not too expensive, and are great to use if you work shifts and have to sleep during the day.

4. Try not to eat anything after 8 pm. This means your body won’t be digesting (and therefore working) at night when you’re trying to sleep. It’s just 1 less thing for your body to deal with.

5. Try and relax. Easier said than done, I know. Try to have some SSS (quiet, solitude, still) time to yourself. During any time of the day it would be useful, but especially at night, just before you want to sleep.

6. If necessary, decide to sleep in the guest room (if you have one) if you normally sleep as a couple. Sometimes the stress of thinking you’re keeping someone else awake because you can’t sleep acts like a vicious cycle and only stresses you out more.

7. Try some over-the-counter herbal/natural remedies. If they don’t work for you, at least they won’t have any unpleasant side effects and you can stop taking them instantly. You don’t have to walk away from them. (However, remember to test them for at least 2 weeks)

8. Test; if possible, sleep when you feel tired, even if you seem unsociable. At least sleep when you can and then try some of the above ideas once you’re not so cranky.

9. Try holistic treatments like reflexology, acupuncture, or massage. These work on the mind, body and spirit and may very well get to the root of the problem without unnecessary medication.

10. Last but not least, my favourite. Use binaural beats to lower your brain frequencies in minutes to instill fast, healthy sleep patterns. They are basically low delta frequencies; totally harmless, just relaxing and natural (your brain already makes them!) Your brain is directly responsible for sleep and it’s when there’s too much internal chatter and activity that sleep seems unattainable. We just don’t disconnect. Listening to these frequencies has saved my life and they have given me back my life as now I can function again and no longer have to worry about inducing sleep.

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