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How to gain large amounts of muscle in the shortest time possible

To gain massive amounts of muscle mass in the shortest amount of time, there are a few things you need to do. There are many factors to consider when gaining muscle, to build the most muscle in the shortest amount of time you should use the best practices and methods available and rule out anything that doesn’t work. This article will tell you the most effective ways to add large amounts of muscle quickly.

Eat big

Eat plenty of high-quality foods and proteins to feed your muscles the building blocks they need to recover and grow. Consume more calories than you burn per day to successfully add muscle mass to your frame every day.

Food is anabolic; In the same way that you must overload your muscles in the gym, you must overload your body with healthy foods. Gaining muscle requires a lot of energy and nutrients; You must provide enough theses so that your body can grow optimally.

Eat plenty of high-quality protein with every meal. Protein is the only macronutrient that your body can use to build muscle and deliver it to your body. Drink protein shakes post-workout and between meals to give your body a boost in overall protein levels throughout the day.

Hard train

Train your muscles hard to react to workouts. You must force them to grow in strength and size. Make your workouts intense. Lift heavy weights with large compound exercises.

Train at least 3 times a week and on set days dedicated to different parts of the body to fully focus on those parts every day. Each week increase the intensity to create a progressive overload on the muscles, this will make them grow each week.


It should provide enough rest for your muscles to grow optimally. Your muscles grow outside of the gym. Less is more when it comes to building muscle mass. Leave 48 hours between workouts and don’t allow yourself to train too much. If your muscles are still sore and fatigued, save the workout for another day, it’s much better to get a little more rest than to get stuck in a state of overtraining or worse, injuring yourself.

Get enough sleep. This is when your body really gets to work. This is when most of the hormones are released to aid growth. Follow these 3 principles consistently and you will gain massive amounts of muscle mass quickly.

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