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How to break up with your clingy girlfriend and get your life back

Relationships should be a place of growth and comfort for both partners. If you feel like you no longer want to be in a relationship, but feel stuck because of your clingy partner, you should decide to leave. It doesn’t matter if your relationship is for 2 months or 10 years, sometimes it occurs to him: “This doesn’t work for me anymore.” Maybe you have realized that the relationship is not healthy, or maybe you just want to move on.

Regardless, you should Never feel like you are glued in a relationship, simply staying for the benefit of your partner. This is not only unfair to you; is unfair to your partner, who needs to find someone who really wants to be with her.

Obviously, it is your obligation to let your partner know how you feel, so that both of you can move on. However, sometimes it is not that simple. If your partner is needy, clingy, and has a codependent relationship style, leaving can seem almost impossible. This is aggravated in the case where the man avoids conflict.

Unfortunately, the combination of girl in need and boy who avoids conflict is common.. This is why so many men are trapped in unhappy relationships. Don’t let that guy be you!

Instead of allowing the relationship to last forever, you need to set a course to break up. Although it seems difficult, you can do it if you just follow a few simple steps.


Take your time to clarify the matter. You have to decide with certainty that you are ready to go. Even if you are already sure, it is important to take time for yourself just before the breakup. This will help you gain confidence in your decision, AND it will lift you out of their influence. At this point, you can gather some of the power that will be needed to move forward.


Understand that you WILL NEED to go through with this. You may have been in a relationship for years where you did everything you could to please her and despite all that, she can hate you from now on.You just have to accept that if you’re going to go through with this.


When you return from your time away, tell her that you have made the decision to leave this relationship. If you think you are going to go crazy, you may need to do so over the phone or in writing (a letter or email). Yes, that is correct: A letter or email may be the best way to do this.Despite what all the other articles say about breaking up, sometimes it feels impossible to break up in person, and it’s better to do it over the phone or by letter than waiting several years to gather up the courage.


Let him know that you know for sure that it is time to move. Tell her that you don’t regret the time you spent together, but that you’ve felt this way for a while and that you know she would want to do it as soon as possible. Be as compassionate as possible, but remember: sometimes feelings cannot be expressed logically. Don’t get hung up on trying to answer all of their questions; Sometimes the answer is simple: “I’m sorry, I don’t know why I feel this way, but I do.”


Take steps to separate as soon as possible. If she wants to persist in talking about it, you may have to tell her that you no longer want to discuss the decision; otherwise, you may be talking about it forever. Don’t suggest that the two of you will be friends, that rarely works out well, especially under these circumstances.


Once you have parted, take the time to learn from your mistakes, read some material on healthy relationships and savor your new found freedom!

If you still want to leave your partner but still feel desperately stuck in an unhealthy relationship, go here where you will learn exactly how to break free.

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