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How To Be Attractive To Women: How To Make Her Chase You Forever

It certainly is attractive to most men to be chased by a group of women. The problem is that very few have an actual way or method to get women to chase them in the real world.

I’ve had so many headaches trying to figure this deal out and finally found what really works.

I’m going to give you guaranteed techniques and tips that would make any woman addicted to you and leave her thinking about you all day.

You will become the object of their attention.

  • The first thing I need to make sure of is that I never give him his approval too soon.

This is a problem most men will quickly fall into.

You’ve met this wonderful woman, it took you a few days to get to know her and now it’s time to give her your thoughts.

They bring her in and tell her she’s “great”, “beautiful”, “wonderful”…

You get my point here.

They would do what I call “compliment overdose.”

This will result in ruining any attraction between them.

If you like her, don’t tell her too soon, wait at least a few months before telling her what you think of her.

  • The second tip for getting him to chase you is to be unavailable.

What do I mean by not available?

What I really mean is don’t give him too much of yourself.

Let her want you and wish you were with her.

Instead of meeting with her every other day, meet with her every four days.

And this leads to my next point:

When you meet her, give her only the best of yourself.

What you see most men do is that they will meet a woman and from the first conversation they will bore her to death.

Women don’t like it and they won’t like you if you do it.

When you meet her, let her have fun, let her be surprised by your stories and conversations.

Be bold and fun with her.

Don’t talk about boring topics like politics and the weather; instead, use drama in your conversations.

Talk about famous people, about romance and love, about some emotional or love problems that your friends are having.

Never tell jokes.

  • The fourth thing you have to do is be a drama queen.

Drama queen?

Being a drama queen is a mind game that women play to make men chase them and always fulfill their wishes.

Why not do the same with women too?

Be a drama queen (king).

To do that, you have to make yourself hard to please.

Never give him a direct answer and always ask him to do more for you.

If she said she likes you, tell her she should because you’re an amazing guy…

In other words, give him a hard time pleasing you.

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