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How Excessive Exercise Could Negatively Affect Your Health

A large number of people engage in cardiovascular activities and several others mainly to lose weight. On the other hand, excessive training of any kind could cause the body to start reacting negatively. This brings to mind the proverb that says: too much of anything is bad. And training is no exception here.

Training is a great thing and it would seem that training even more should provide many more benefits. In the truest sense, it really gives you a bit of added profit, until taken a bit too far. At this crossover, your body may begin to respond in a different way.

This is correct in addition to the fact that training is recognized to be more of a “healthy stress”. However, your adrenal glands cannot make a distinction between them.

Stress and Cortisol

Excessive physical exercise induces a hormone called cortisol. This hormone tells your body to hold on to its fat stores. The body secretes cortisol whenever it is under any kind of stress.

Stress can come from school, the workplace, unhealthy eating, too little sleep, family problems, and many other things. They can easily stress your body and cause it to release cortisol. The unfortunate thing is that the body also sees the physical condition as a stressor.

Consequence of excessive physical exercise

If you push the body too hard for too long, it can result in higher cortisol levels, adrenal fatigue, and even heightened food cravings.

Stress, regardless of its source, has a way of influencing neurotransmitters. These neurotransmitters, which include dopamine, GABA, and serotonin, are our feel-good and anti-anxiety brain chemicals. Stress and excessive extreme training reduce the amounts of this type of neurotransmitters. This often leads to debilitating tiredness, sleep disturbances, and also depressive disorders.

Continually high amounts of cortisol can have a detrimental impact on fat loss. It could also increase your associated risk of a variety of health problems.

triad of female athletes

For women, excessive physical exercise can also result in the “female athlete triad.” This is a condition of possible interruption of your period, feeding problems, and brittle bones or loss of bone minerals. A combination of exercise and caloric restriction often causes these types of symptoms.

Decreased immune efficacy

Moderate physical condition helps improve your body’s immune system, while too much physical exercise tends to suppress it. Excessive exercise increases the body’s exposure to infections. Likewise, there is the high severity of minor infections and also the decrease in the production of immunoglobulins.

decreased testosterone

Also, it is a reality that cortisol and testosterone clash with each other. Testosterone is important for the development and maintenance of skeletal muscle, bone, and red blood cells. They also help in weight reduction since they are metabolically very active.

Training depth (which is more than 50% of maximal oxygen intake) for a prolonged period activates the sympathetic nervous system and results in cortisol overproduction. On the other hand, this stops the discharge of testosterone.

Reduced testosterone, for men, could easily cause low libido. However, this could be a combined consequence of both body exhaustion and reduced testosterone levels.

In the event that you have been working too hard, the first course of action is for you to sincerely acknowledge and acknowledge this reality. You have to admit to yourself that you are really struggling with this problem.

Another idea that can help you reduce the number of your training routines is to stick to a training schedule. This schedule should vary your exercise load and also incorporate mandatory rest periods.

However, it will be necessary to seek the help of a health professional for the treatment of both psychological and physical symptoms.

On the other hand, this is not to suggest that you should give up exercising, but rather that you should get the right amount of it.

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