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How custom furniture and room space planning go hand in hand

Custom furniture and room space planning often go hand in hand: many floor plans are best followed using non-standard furniture dimensions, and often the transit space and layout of the furniture itself is dictated. by personal needs and preferences.

For example, wheelchair access may be required throughout the living space, and the standard 18-inch access width used for minor routes through a room may be insufficient. Furniture width and length may need to be customized to fit. People may prefer higher or lower boards than the standard ones, while others may prefer enhancements that can be added at the manufacturing stage but not later.

The use of custom furniture is not new; in fact, all of the early settlers used custom furniture because they made it themselves. They had little enough room in their covered wagons without taking the furniture! First they built the cabins, then the houses, and with them they built the furniture to go in them. Room space planning was something foreign to them, even though they unknowingly had the concept in mind when they built their furniture.

There are American carpenters and cabinetmakers who keep the tradition of old-fashioned woodworking alive, such as the American Craftsman and The Custom Shoppe, although there are many more than these that can offer you traditional American made-in-American furniture. However, custom furniture is not that easy to find, but it is worth seeking out when you find it.

No one wants to buy a piece of furniture, no matter the price, and then discover that it looks out of place. You should not rush in the choice of home furniture either, because you will live with it for a long time. You need help making sure your furniture choice is ideal for your living space, even if it means using custom furniture made specifically for your home.

What kind of furniture customization is generally possible, and what can you have done if you’re willing to pay more? Here are some examples of how custom furniture and room space planning can be tailored to your specific needs.

Custom furniture: Choice of woods and finishes

The most universal type of furniture customization is in the wood and finish. Natural American choices include cherry, maple, and oak, including the beautiful, straighter-grained quarter-sawn oak. However, cherry and maple have smoother grains than most other woods, and some people paint items made from this wood because of the smooth grain. Painted furniture generally does not go well with more contemporary decorative styles, although it is also suitable for a kitchen or a child’s bedroom.

Most woods can be stained to produce a number of optional shades, and good custom furniture companies can match almost any wood sample you provide. Other customizations include the finish, which can range from natural, through matte and satin to full gloss. The ultimate in a brilliant mirror finish for wood is full French polish.

Equipment customization

You have a wide variety of hardware when you shop at custom stores. You can choose from a wide range of door and drawer handles and knobs, including your choice of metal, wood or plastic. The same goes for locks and other decorations. One online firm offers more than 45 optional handles or knobs.

Room space planning: dimensional customization

Room space planning is generally very specific in terms of dimensions. However, while most online home design services will use the furniture they supply as models, you may also need to customize some elements to make the overall plan work. If you use a good custom furniture store, most dimensions can be tailored to your needs. The dressers and dressers for your bedroom, for example, are customizable in terms of width, length and height. Many pieces can be adapted to fit the available space, and if you have an alcove to fill, furniture can be customized to do so.

Some online vendors can custom build furniture exactly to your specifications. You can choose the wood, the finish and the three dimensions. The number and style of drawers can be customized, as can the style and dimensions of panels, doors, backs, and trim. In fact, give some of the dimensions of your room and they will make furniture to fill it.

individual customizations

Individual pieces can be customized to your needs. Examples of this type of custom furniture include TV cabinets, bedroom furniture designed to store your clothes, and also a television. The height of the TV can be set to your personal preference, as can the width of the cabinet. The arrangement of the shelves is adaptable and the doors can be fitted with full length mirrors if required.

Custom furniture is the ideal way to enable you to make your room space planning a reality. By collaborating with an online home design service that also supplies standard and custom furniture, between you it should be possible to meet all your needs with a mix of regular and custom furniture.

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