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History of multitouch technology

Over the last 10 years, multi-touch technology has evolved rapidly and has been implemented in a multitude of devices, software programs, and hardware. In the coming years, this technology will be used even more and will soon become part of people’s daily lives, allowing them to easily interact with a computer or device screen using only their fingers.

Even if the future of multi-touch technology is the most important aspect that scientists should focus on, it is better to take a trip back in time and assess its evolution from time to time.

When did multitouch technology appear?

The origin of multi-touch technology goes back to 1982 when Nimish Mehta from the University of Toronto was the first to develop the finger pressure screen using this technology. The year 1982 was an important year in multitouch history because after Nimish Mehta’s discovery, other engineering companies such as Bell Labs became involved in the development of this technology.

Thus, in 1983 there were many discussions related to multi-touch screens and this revolutionary new technology, which led to the development of a touch screen that would change images using more than one hand. Over time, Bell Labs decided to focus more on software development than hardware and recorded significant success in the field of multi-touch technology.

Until the 20th century, multi-touch technology was not that popular due to the lack of advances in this field. However, the success, popularity and use of this technology began to change once with the breakthrough of Pierre Wellner in 1991. In his article “Digital Desk”, Pierre Wellner introduced the advantages and mechanism of multi-touch technology, supporting the idea of ​​​​use of several fingers.

In addition, starting in 2001, all of these documents and inventions have been analyzed, improved, extended, and developed into today’s multi-touch devices, software programs, and hardware. The main player in the multi-touch technology market was Apple, which launched the iPhone in 2007. This product led to an increase in the popularity and use of this technology as more personalized, robust, and gesture-based devices have been developed since then.

In other words, even if the roots of multi-touch technology are related to the year 1982, the actual development of multi-touch solutions as we see them today is related to discoveries made from 2007 onwards.

Finally, the future of multi-touch technology looks bright as more and more solutions are developed and implemented in all kinds of businesses and fields of activity such as medicine, banking, and most importantly, the engineering domain. .

During the last two years there have been many developments of solutions, either as devices, software programs or hardware. Whether we are thinking of multi-touch tables, multi-touch phones or multi-touch screens, this technology definitely represents an area of ​​expertise that still has a lot to reveal.

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