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Healthy eating: four benefits of eating bison meat

If you’re a fan of red meat, since you’re following your healthy eating plan, you may be avoiding this favorite source of protein. Some cuts of beef can be quite fatty and full of cholesterol, and in many people’s minds, they just don’t fit into a weight management plan. But, this does not mean that all red meat should be thrown away. In fact, bison, a wild game meat, is one of the healthiest sources of protein you can eat.

These are some of the main benefits of bison…

1. Low in fat and calories. First, know that for a four-ounce serving of bison, you’ll consume a total of 124 calories and 6 grams of fat. In that, you’ll get 17 grams of high-quality protein, making it a great option to eat after a workout session.

The protein found in bison is a complete protein and highly absorbable by the body, so it will go a long way in promoting optimal muscle repair.

2. An excellent source of iron. Active people should make sure they get enough iron in their diet on a regular basis. Iron is responsible for the formation of red blood cells, which then carry oxygen throughout working muscle tissues.

The bison is not short. It provides 2.3 mg of iron per serving, giving you about 13% of your total daily needs.

3. Very often grass-fed. One thing with bison is that because it is a wild meat, it is very unlikely that you will find grain-fed bison roaming the land. Nearly 100% of the time, this meat is grass-fed because it’s in the wild. This is in direct contrast to beef, which is mainly grain-fed. While you can find grass-fed beef, it’s harder to come by. With bison, you wouldn’t have to worry about going this extra step to look for grass-fed bison because if it’s bison you’re looking at, chances are it already is.

Grass-fed meat has a higher nutritional content and is usually lower in fat as well.

4. A good source of omega fats. Because bison is grass-fed, this means it will also offer a healthy dose of omega-3 fatty acids. Grass-fed red meat has a much healthier fat profile compared to grain-fed red meat, so this will go a long way toward improving your overall health.

Omega-3 fatty acids are essential for…

  • keeping your heart healthy,
  • prevent type 2 diabetes,
  • increase brain health, and to
  • maximize your body composition.

If you haven’t had a chance to see bison yet, now is the time. While it’s a little more expensive than regular meat, it’s worth the cost at least sometimes.

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