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go cross country

So now your heart yearns to do something adventurous and you’ve decided to try cycling along the coast? At first glance, making such trips seems like a simple affair, with the myriad of restaurants lining the route and easy-to-find accommodation. But then, there are hordes of people out there, and just like you, all vying to do Lance Armstrong’s things his way. For most people, riding a bike is very easy, a no-brainer: just sit back and pedal. But no, any self-respecting professional cyclist will warn you of the consequences. This type of undertaking requires preparation of both mind and body. Owning an off-road bike makes a lot of sense: they can take you just about anywhere without wearing you out. But you may find them heavier and unwieldy in the long haul. Cross-country bikes come with the lightest and most efficient pedals. If you’re not sure, check with your dealer about new types of bikes, especially Bianchi variants. These are expensive bikes with a full alloy frame, Hutchinson tires, Reparto and Shimano accessories. These cycles are geometrically designed for long hours of riding. Opt for only the best when it comes to performance, power and comfort!

Once you have your bike, familiarize yourself with its lines and responses. When it comes to cross-country, you have to unlearn certain aspects of the daily cycling routine and train yourself in the correct way to pedal, breathe, corner, hydrate, as well as how to eat, how to hold water and even when to do it. rest!

Ideally, you should start your training regimen about seven to eight months before D-Day. Experts suggest that you should start building your stamina level with exercise and cycling, gradually increasing the time spent each week. Push-ups, pull-ups, shoulder presses, upright rows, lateral raises, prone and side planks, sit-ups and lower back extensions, step-ups, lunges, squats , straight-leg deadlifts, and hamstring curls are excellent exercises for aspiring crossovers. country cyclists. These exercises, performed with lighter weights, will help you build stamina and strength. After six weeks, increase your intensity by speeding up and hitting some highways for one week, traffic routes the next week, off-road the week after, and then rest the following week. The entire training period should also include medium to intensive “cross training” with weight lifting, resistance exercises, breathing exercises and mandatory rest!

Repeat the regimen for a few months until D-Day. Remember, time your distance and speed against your goal. If you’re aiming for a 585-mile ride, gradually increase the mileage during your weekly workout and find your threshold. If your average driving mileage is 60 miles per day, you should work your way up to 40 miles per day. With good training, you will find that you can keep up your driving without fatigue or muscle soreness.

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