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Glass cabinet adds class to custom wood doors

They say “people in greenhouses shouldn’t throw stones.” However, given the view offered by the neighbors, the stones are the least of their worries. On the other hand, using glass in your cabinets is a carefree way to add class to custom wood doors. Homes that feature custom wood exterior doors already stand out from their neighbors thanks to the unique and distinctive look that only custom service can provide.

By incorporating custom-focused glass into other areas, such as the kitchen, your home will be like the perfect companion—beautiful inside and out.

leave them wanting more

Depending on the look you want, there are several ways to incorporate glass inserts with custom wood doors. Homeowners who want a sleek, modern feel for their kitchen can opt for fluted glass cabinet doors. The effect will be to partially hide the items in the cabinet while giving viewers a good idea of ​​what’s inside.

Once again, the attractiveness is similar to that of his better half; quite open and welcoming with just enough mystery to keep you intrigued.

Frost in the forecast

Another popular approach involves a row of frosted glass panel cabinets with custom wood doors. Kitchens that are quite narrow really open up when this type of glass is inserted in place of standard doors.

As a bonus, the cabinet’s contents will look blurrier than with fluted glass—a bonus if you want to hide clutter or have a place to quickly store unwashed pots when a visitor arrives; it’s okay, everyone does it.

welcome the world

Even if the glass house idea was ill-conceived, you can do the same thing on a smaller scale with custom wood doors. Buyers may wish to display an exquisite array of dinnerware (after washing, of course), and the clear glass-fronted cabinets were made just for that purpose.

Make sure the cabinet handles and drawer pulls underneath have a simple design so they don’t distract from the collection on display. Then sit back, soak up the compliments, and prepare yourself with your modest response: “Now that you mention it, I guess they’re pretty hot. I never thought of that.”

put it down and lighten up

Cabinets in bold colors can brighten up a kitchen and make a dramatic statement. But as the neighbor with the shelf full of baby photos has shown, it’s easy to overdo it.

One way to tone it down in a vibrantly colored space is by strategically placing glass cabinet inserts in custom wood doors. Designers understand this need for balance and can show you how to achieve it; Now, if only they could do something with those baby pictures.

test patterns

Sometimes the best way to exceed expectations is to do the unexpected. For example, try placing patterned wallpaper behind glass-front cabinets with custom wood doors. Houses can enhance visual interest in this way and add a touch of personality to any space. Because the choice of patterns is virtually limitless, you can easily find one that suits your style.

However, as with bright colors, don’t overdo it or you’ll be disappointed by the reviews.

Including glass in your cabinet doors opens up a world of possibilities. How you do this will depend on your specific tastes and the look you are going for. Whichever route you take, you can be sure to add a touch of class in the process. And as for those people who choose to live in greenhouses, they are clearly in a class by themselves.

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