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General Labor Jobs on Craigslist: How to Search Quickly and Effectively

Are you a job seeker looking for general labor jobs? If so, you can and should head over to This popular website and classifieds service is a great job search tool. However, with a recent surge in popularity, you may find hundreds of general labor jobs listed. How can you quickly and effectively search for these jobs? Read on for some helpful tips.

Download a Craigslist search tool

Craigslist is a city based website. To perform a traditional search, you do so by selecting your state and city. This can be Texas and Dallas. Unfortunately, when you search for general labor jobs, you are only looking for jobs in the Dallas area. You may live in Dallas now, but what if you don’t mind traveling for a good job or moving for the right salary? Normally, you would need to search for other city pages individually. This could take you hours or even days! Fortunately, there is a better alternative, which is a Craigslist search tool.

Craigslist search tools are desktop applications, which are often free to download. They can significantly reduce your job search time. Most allow you to search national listings, state listings, or search multiple cities at once. Again, if you live between two listed cities, are willing to travel, or are interested in relocating, a search tool is a must-have software program.

Use relevant search phrases

When most of us think of work in general, construction often comes to mind. However, general job is a phrase that describes many different jobs and duties. On Craigslist, you can find job listings for cleaners, carpenters, custodians, landscapers, babysitters, drivers, and more. Since you can get hundreds of open positions with a standard search, you want to do a custom search. Search with the name of the position you want or the type of functions you want to perform. For example, if you want general labor jobs that focus on construction, search with construction, carpenter, painter, landscaper, etc.

Read the headlines to avoid incorrect jobs

As noted above, the phrase general job includes many different positions. Using relevant search phrases should automatically weed out jobs you’re not interested in. Still, read all the headlines carefully. They should describe the position or job functions. If you want to work in construction, avoid general job openings for farm workers, drivers, and domestic helpers. On the other hand, if you find a job that sounds ideal, click on the title for more information inside. You should not only get a list of duties or job requirements, but also a method of contact for the application.

As mentioned above, you can download a search tool to quickly search all of Craigslist, entire state lists, or multiple cities at once. Get started by visiting and downloading Craigslist Reader for free. You can also receive notifications of new jobs by email.

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