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Free methods to earn money online

The Internet is full of possibilities. To connect with friends, to learn new things and even to earn money. All you need is a laptop or phone, an internet connection, and the know-how to start making money.

There are two different ways to make money online. One is with an active business, where you get paid to make or sell things, the other is passive, where you build a unique service that generates income without you having to do anything else.

Passive businesses are all the rage now, but both forms have different pros and cons.

A mix of both types will be best.

First of all, you have to get an audience. People have to see that you are selling something before they can buy it from you.

The easiest way to get an audience is to go where they already are. The fastest way to start making money online is by selling a service.

UpWork and Fiverr allow you to sell services, like creating a logo, and have an audience for yourself.

Getting started on Fiverr is the best. But you’ll need to grab your audience’s attention in a crowded market.

Set up your profile with a friendly and professional-looking image. People buy more when they can see a face attached to a profile.

Make your description focus on what you can do for people and why they should trust you to do it. Add any previous work you’ve done as part of your portfolio.

Add a video to get even more attention.

Setup can be a long process, but it’s worth it in the end. It’s about making a good first impression.

You can do just about anything on Fiverr, from writing articles, generating backlinks, creating logos, or even working with voiceovers. Once you’re comfortable with Fiverr, with small contracts, you can get bigger contracts on UpWork.

A passive income stream can be set up using social media marketing.

There is a lot of hard work involved at first, but it will be worth it.

Pick a topic that will cover your social media account, create beautiful images and content with Canva, make sure you’re using the right hashtags with Hastagify, post two to three times a day, every day, and engage with your audience.

Once you have an audience, use affiliate links to promote products and earn commission.

Another way to make money is with video marketing. Using the camera on your phone or laptop, you can create content on a particular topic, just like social media marketing. You are constantly uploading videos to YouTube, about 2-3 a week, and keep doing it. Your audience will grow and you will be able to use affiliate links to earn money.

I have not included blogs here because it is not free. But you need a blog as a place to keep all your content. Free accounts can be closed and all your hard work gone.

With these strategies you can start earning money from the internet right now.

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