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Finally, our female lovebird laid eggs

Do you intend to keep and breed lovebirds? If you do, there are things to consider before purchasing a pair of lovebirds to breed. As a beginner in keeping these types of birds, you need to know a lot of things before deciding to buy them. If you want to see them breed, you need to make sure that the pair is made up of a real female and a real male lovebird. Failing to determine their sexes will result in reproductive failure because homosexual birds will not result in fertile eggs to produce lovebird chicks. Another thing you should know is the age of the couple. If you don’t want to wait too long for the pair to breed, you should make sure that the pair of lovebirds you purchase is an adult pair. Because lovebirds reach maturity in the 8-12 month age range and are ready to breed when they are 12-15 months old. Lovebirds have a long life if they are well cared for. Therefore, you need to prepare a good home for them to stay and breed for a long period of time.

What gets people interested in lovebirds? It’s hard to deny that lovebirds have special ways of attracting pet lovers. First of all, lovebirds are cute with their colorful feathers and parrot-like appearance. The lovebird couple invokes the love of their guardian with their attractive appearance and pleasant and loving behaviors. The most interesting behavior that a pair of lovebirds can demonstrate is their loving behavior. They show their love for each other at every moment of the day, even if it is not their mating season. The most frequent behavior demonstrated by them is feeding each other. Possibly, this behavior is equivalent to kissing in humans. Lovebirds are also known for their intelligence and playfulness. Therefore, in addition to equipping their cage with various perches and a nest box for breeding, you need to provide them with various toys for them to play with. At first, you may think that a lovebird chewing on your perch, cage bars, and toys is doing it for nothing. In fact, he has a purpose with his bites. You have to know why it bites. Many things about these birds will surprise you at first, however, if you love them, you will learn about the things that surprise you. You can find these new lessons from other lovebird keepers who share their experiences online.

Having no experience taking care of lovebirds, we had to wait a long time for the female of our pair of lovebirds to lay her first eggs. The reason was that we could not detect the age of the female when we bought the pair. We just trust the former owner who said we wouldn’t wait long to see the bird breed. Now we realized that the female we bought was between 4 and 5 months old when we bought the pair. And it took us more than 8 months to see her mate and lay eggs. However, we are lucky that the pair consists of a true female and a true male, so we finally got to see the female lay her first eggs. Now we are waiting for the couple’s first chicks to hatch. My son has already prepared a new cage for the chicks when they can live independently of their parents.

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