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Fear of words: what is logophobia and how to treat it

One of the fastest growing phobias is the fear of words, also known as logophobia. Perhaps also one of the most frequent phobias, since we use words every day of our lives.

Fear of words can cause many physical symptoms, including shortness of breath, excessive sweating, tremors, inability to think, nausea, panic attacks, paranoia, and even fear of death. Certainly symptoms that no one deserves to experience.

Suggested Causes of Fear of Words

From my experience working with people, because this fear of words often originated in childhood. Experiences at a young age where the demands of learning and applying new words were at an all time high. Although this may not be true for everyone, many have applied extreme emotions to these events and subsequently increased fear.

Imagine for a moment, going through many days and even many years, experiencing such an extreme fear of the words themselves. An adult with logophobia is very clear that fear is quite irrational. However, since the fear of words is held by the subconscious part of the mind, very little that you do consciously will help eliminate the fear.

Therefore, hypnosis is an extremely effective method to cure the fear of words. It allows an individual, often in the privacy of their own home, the ability to work on this often shameful phobia. What this means is that the individual can retain peace of mind while he can eliminate the phobia once and for all.

The benefits of curing logophobia are immense. From freedom from those physical side effects, to increased confidence and happiness in one’s life. With hypnosis, an individual can not only cure this fear, but can also regain freedom from it to enjoy life. Some have even reported to me that they feel like they have a fresh start in life.

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