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Do’s and don’ts when renting an ozone generator

Ozone generator rental is quickly becoming a hot topic due to people’s concerns about the health status of their homes. Why are they so popular now? Well, these types of generators can kill mold and mildew, eliminate smoke (secondhand or fire) odors and other strong odors, and eradicate pests like roaches, bed bugs, dust mites, and ants without the use of pesticides. . Ozone is an amazing sterilizing agent. Chemically oxidizes odors and bacteria.

Renting an ozone generator is definitely affordable. Internet rental companies charge as little as $10 per day for the use of their machines. The key is to get the size that can provide the best solution for your problem.

The best ozone generator will be a commercial grade industrial shock treatment within the ranges of 3500-7500 mg/h (micrograms per hour). It takes about 4 hours per 100 square feet to be effective. As soon as the ozone leaves the generator, it begins to oxidize molecules and safely breaks down into oxygen. However, no people, plants, or pets should be in a room that is being treated. Ozone can damage your lungs in large amounts. Wait at least one hour after treatment has finished before re-entering the room. Your home may smell like “fresh rain” after a rust. It is perfectly normal.

Understand that treatments may not be a one-time thing. If all mold spores are not eradicated, the mold will return. Therefore, multiple rentals may be required.

Renting a generator makes perfect financial sense. Just make sure the rental company is reputable and can provide the generator for your needs.

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