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Do you want to grow taller? Start by lengthening your legs with these basic kicking exercises!

Are you tired of being passed over because you are physically shorter than the rest? Do you want to grow taller and turn heads for all the right reasons? You definitely do! Research has shown how being taller can give you a significant advantage when it comes to career progression, including how much you get paid each month. But what can you do as a mature adult to increase your height? Through exercise, of course!

Did you know that in America, an extra inch of height above average can earn an additional $1000 per year? It’s quite a skewed view of being physically profiled to determine your character. Unfortunate yes, but that’s how the world works these days.

So instead of desperately working to change the system, why not improve your physical self by growing a couple of inches or more? No, it is not true that you can no longer increase your height once you reach adulthood. The fact is that your body still has the potential to get tall!

one of many secrets to add height a your adult body is in your legs. No, it does not involve having surgery to separate the leg bones and fuse them together to lengthen the legs. All you need is for you to start doing some kicking exercises.

You will see that your bones may not be able to grow any larger. But the parts of the cartilage at the ends of the ankle, shin, thigh, and hip bones can get thicker! It may not sound significant to you individually, but it could really add to your current height.

Front kick

This involves extending the leg and kicking. Like a kicking motion in taekwondo. Be careful not to climb more than a couple of feet off the ground to avoid injury. Perform 20 kicks for each leg, resting for a minute before switching to the other side.

straight kick

This is easily like kicking a ball on the ground. Kick your leg out and try to get as high as you can. Do 10 kicks with each leg, rest for a minute, then do the same with the other leg.

There are several other exercises you can do to lengthen your legs and ultimately increase your physical height. Follow a proper exercise program and you should have no difficulty realizing your desire to grow and finally be respected for who you are!

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