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DIY Kitchen Wall Tiles – Tips To Decorate Your Kitchen

Your kitchen is a very important room in the home. It’s often used as a common area rather than just a cooking space, and for that reason it’s important that you put effort into decorating your kitchen to make it feel good.

Kitchen wall tiles are one of the most popular features that you can include in your kitchen. However, how should you lay these tiles on your own if you want to practice your DIY skills?

Here are some quick tips to help you get the results you’re looking for.

Preparation is key

Any form of tiling requires good preparation before you can do anything else, so always spend a good amount of time making sure that the wall surface where you are going to lay your kitchen wall tiles is not just clean, but also smooth and level. .

If you need to plaster it to level it, make sure you do it, otherwise the end result could be a bit messy.

Remember that laying tiles over old tiles is not recommended unless you have no other choice. If you can remove the old tiles, use a hammer and chisel, and be careful!

Choose a sealer

The next step in laying kitchen wall tiles is to apply a sealer, which should ideally be done after you have sanded the wall surface. The sealer will keep the adhesive moist for a longer period of time, making it an essential part of the procedure.

understand it at once

Nobody will like crooked tiles, so to make sure you lay them straight, you should use wooden slats. You need to glue them in place with the help of a spirit level to make sure you start correctly and then do the same thing vertically so you can start laying the kitchen wall tiles in a straight line.

get stuck

Now it’s time to start spreading the adhesive to the wall, and you can do this using a toothed spreader which will help make it more even. Always follow the instructions on the adhesive.

Once you have spread the adhesive over an area, press the tiles into place making sure to spread them apart with a spacer, then remove any excess adhesive between the tiles.

Apply the grout

Once the adhesive is dry and the tiles are firmly in place, you need to apply the grout in the gaps between the kitchen wall tiles. The type of grout you use will depend on the tile, so get some advice if you’re not sure.

Wipe off excess grout and then let it dry. Then simply polish the surface of the tiles to make them clean and the job is done.


Lay your own kitchen wall tiles

This is a basic guide to do-it-yourself kitchen wall tiles, so hopefully it will give you a better idea of ​​what the process entails. However, if you don’t feel comfortable doing it yourself, hire a professional to get the job done right and save you the hassle.

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