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Discover the simplified Hardgainer training routine

Being a hard gainer is one of the most frustrating things in the world, especially if you exercise for a long time and make no gains. It’s even more frustrating when you’ve tried dozens of different weight training routines that you see in magazines.

If you are one of these people what you need is a Exercise routine that suits your body type. Most exercise routines can tax a hard gainer’s nervous system, so they use all their regenerative powers just to stay balanced.

We don’t want to stay on par, we want to add muscle and add bulk like everyone else. To do this, sometimes we need to make drastic changes to our routines.

One thing I’ve seen work more often is a shortened workout. It sounds like a strange idea, but it almost always works for hardgainers. an abbreviated Exercise routine It is not only the solution, but it takes less time in the gym and you finally start to gain muscle.

Unfortunately, most hardgainers never hear about a shortened workout before they give up. You can’t blame them if they have a body built for 2-3 years and have gained little to nothing, it’s like banging your head against a wall.

Hardgainer Motto – Never Say Die

If you know you’ve tried everything and nothing has worked so far, then it’s time for a drastic change in your routines. There is always a solution, it just takes us time to find it in life.

Since you’ve probably tried adding more weight or adding more reps, let’s go in the other direction. We will significantly reduce our workouts and watch and be amazed at the reaction of your body.

When you start to do the Exercise routine you may think you are not doing enough. But you will find that your body is much happier and you will finally have enough resources to help you add muscle and gain size.

You are going to be reducing the total volume of your routines and most likely the frequency, if you are very demanding. But you really need to give it a try, because it has worked for literally thousands of other weight gain junkies.

One technique I’ve tried is that instead of focusing on individual muscles, we work entire muscle groups with one exercise. We’ll do the basic movements like presses, pull-ups, squats, and deadlifts.

But we’re doing an abbreviated workout, so we’ll want to do the fewest exercises but the most efficient exercise to work more than one muscle. We are exercising the whole body as quickly as possible.

The easiest example to give is the bench press. Work the pectorals, deltoids and triceps at the same time. We will be working exercises like this to maximize our effort and minimize the exercise of specific muscles that have not been growing with other training.

The reason for this is again that the hardgainer’s ability to recover and grow is not the same as other body types. This is not a bad thing in life, just in weight training. You are lucky to be able to eat what you want and not gain weight. Some people hate you for it, but I digress.

Here’s a great example of a weight gain workout routine very similar to the one printed in Beyond Brawn by Stuart McRobert (a book I highly recommend!).

Day 1

* Squats 1×20

* Bench press 2×6

* 2×10 overhead press

Day 2

* Deadlift stiff legs 2×12

* 2×8 chins (with added weight)

* Calf Raise 3 x 15

These workouts should be done correctly, without swinging the weights or lunging or raising your hips to help yourself. Proper form is a must, as always, to get the most out of this abbreviated workout.

And when you see that the first exercise is 20 repetitions, do not think that I want you to do a series of low intensity. This is pushing you to your limits so that you can barely finish all 20 reps so that you get the most anabolic value out of the set.

In this exercise routine for weight gain, you will notice that the muscle groups do not overlap. Since we’re not stressing out one muscle, we’re trying to hit just one group at a time so you can recover faster and build muscle.

You will notice that both exercise routines are less than 10 series in total and work half of all your musculature. Don’t think you’re going to get off easy here. If you do it correctly, you will get seriously tired from this short workout.

This is one of the easiest exercise routines I can think of if you’ve been weight training for a while and haven’t gotten any results due to your body type. It seems simple and short, but it may be the solution you were looking for.

The magic behind it Exercise routine it is all the intensity that you put in each repetition since the training time will be short. Really push yourself 100% on each exercise and your body will respond.

For more workouts and all the information you need on supplements and diet, visit my Hard Gainer website.

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