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Criminal Defense Lawyers: Is It Time To Call One?

If you’ve wondered if you should work with a criminal defense attorney, the answer is certainly “yes.” Criminal defense attorneys have the ability to influence the outcome of a criminal examination or trial. Your criminal defense attorney will ensure that your rights are protected during the police investigation, examine the criminal justice system after charges have been filed, and challenge the government’s case against you at trial.


You may not realize you need a lawyer until you receive a subpoena or court order. Law enforcement officers may conclude their investigation without ever contacting you. Even if you were contacted by the police, the officers may not have informed you of their intent to press charges. For these reasons, attorneys are generally retained after criminal charges have already been filed.

If you receive notice that felony or misdemeanor charges are pending against you, you should immediately contact a criminal defense attorney. Criminal charges have the potential to change the course of your life. Felony charges in Utah are punishable by imprisonment from zero years to life and a fine of up to $10,000.00. Misdemeanor charges in Utah are punishable by imprisonment for up to one year and a fine of up to $2,500.00. Your criminal defense attorney will play an invaluable role in obtaining a favorable plea deal or obtaining a not guilty verdict at trial.

The work of your defense attorney begins as soon as they are hired. In some cases, he may be arrested and required to post bail or remain in custody. At the time of arrest, the arresting officer must read you a statement of your rights. He has the right to a lawyer, and his lawyer must be present for all questioning that occurs while he is in custody. His lawyer can also help you reduce his bail or secure his release through a pretrial supervision agency.

After you have been released from jail and made your first court appearance, your attorney will obtain discovery and evaluate the evidence to determine your options. Your attorney will attend pretrial conferences, where he will negotiate with the prosecutor to obtain a dismissal or reduction of the charges. If no plea agreement is reached, your attorney will file the appropriate pretrial motions and prepare your case for trial.


Law enforcement officers frequently contact suspects before charges are filed, hoping to obtain a confession or other information that will help in their investigation.

DO NOT TALK TO THE POLICE. You are not required to assist in criminal investigations. You have the right to remain silent and have a lawyer present during the questioning. It is important that you know your rights, because the investigating officers are not required to inform you of your right to a lawyer during the investigation stage. You will not be informed of your constitutional rights unless you are placed under arrest and taken into custody. In fact, police officers often mislead suspects into believing that a lawyer is not necessary during “routine questioning.”

If you have been contacted by the police, you should immediately hire a criminal defense attorney to contact the police on your behalf. Your attorney will ensure that you do not provide the police with any statements or evidence that could later be used against you. Your lawyer will also work to investigate and preserve evidence that is favorable to your case. If there is favorable evidence, your lawyer will use that evidence to persuade prosecutors not to press charges against you.


There may be other signs that you are the subject of a criminal investigation. If you have become involved in criminal activity and your accomplice begins to exhibit unusual behavior, you may be working with the police. If you find your boss sitting at his computer or going through his files, you may suspect that he is doing something wrong. Trust your instincts. If something feels wrong, it usually is.

Most criminal defense lawyers have a policy against consulting with people who plan to commit a crime in the future. However, your criminal defense attorney can advise you on the potential consequences of prior criminal activity. Your attorney can also contact law enforcement agencies to determine the status of the criminal investigation and help you reduce or avoid criminal charges.

If you are facing criminal charges, it is never too early to seek the advice of a criminal defense attorney.

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