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Could Your Hamster’s Bedding Cause Sickness or Death?

Hamster cages are often sold together with starter packs that may or may not contain bedding. Whether you’re a hamster expert or just got one, checking the bedding situation could save you from some serious trouble. This article explains what bedding materials hamster care experts recommend, what they consider dangerous, and how to maintain good hygiene in the cage. This can help you choose the right products and establish a healthy hygiene routine.

Expert bedding

It is important to ensure that the bedding cannot hurt the eyes, ears and body on the outside or the gastrointestinal tract on the inside if chewed or swallowed. A round of animal care charities publishing hamster care advice reveals much agreement on what is good to put in the cage. Sawdust (1) is recommended, along with timothy hay, aspen shavings, shredded paper, granule-style hamster bedding (2, 3, 4). Kitchen paper is also fine for bedding as long as it is white (1, 5). While these should be fine, some other materials present a major hazard.

Bedding Experts Say You Should Never Use

This is an interesting list, as it contains items that you might think would be cute and cozy for your little pet. NEVER use fluffy synthetic or other fluffy sheets, cloth, or wool, including cotton (4, 6), as they can be chewed on and seriously damage the bags or interior. DO NOT use cedar or pine chips or shavings, as they are associated with poisonous vapors (2, 4). Even the humble newspaper or recycled household paper or ink-printed cards can be poisonous to hamsters (1, 4, and 5). Once you’ve established that what you’re putting in there is safe, follow a good cleaning schedule to keep it fresh.

How to keep everything healthy clean

Remove soiled bedding and droppings daily, along with discarded food. Move your hamster into a secure playpen once a week and remove all bedding from the cage into a household trash bag. Some experts say that to use mild soap and hot water, you can also ask your vet for a hamster-safe disinfectant to properly clean the entire cage, including the bars, tunnels, and other items inside. Replace the bedding, throwing in some of the old materials to give it a familiar feel.

It can be terribly distressing if your hamster gets sick or even dies from a gastrointestinal blockage due to eating the wrong type of litter. Checking before you put anything in the cage is easy, and supplies are readily available at pet stores. By reading this, you should feel more confident about buying appropriate bedding from pet stores for your little loved one.

This article is written with a sampling of expert opinions and, as a summary, can never replace the advice of a qualified veterinary professional. Consult your veterinarian if you have any concerns about your hamster’s welfare, as needs vary by breed, age, health status, and individual animals. Thank you very much.


1. RSPCA. Pet care – Hamsters. [online].

2. ASPCA. hamster care [online].

3. ASPCA. Hamster Care The 411 [online].

4. EASE. The EASE Guide to Caring for Hamsters [online].

5.PDSA. Golden hamsters: a suitable environment [online].

6. National Hamster Society. Starting [online].

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