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Confessions of a Former Acid Reflux Victim: There’s Hope for People with Acid Reflux

What would you do if you suddenly got rid of your GERD or acid reflux symptoms?

I mean, everyone … from a bloated stomach, to nausea and vomiting, to that fire in the stomach (heartburn), mind-numbing headaches … you know what I mean. All your symptoms.

Think of the time when you can remember the days when you were pain free and could do almost anything you could imagine. Now I know that’s not particularly true as one ages naturally, but what I’m talking about here is quality of life. How would you like to get yours back?

Before you even think about pouring water into the “chimney of high hopes” we are building in, remember this:

Acid reflux is a simple message from your body that something is wrong inside.

As such, no amount of antacids like Tums or proton pump inhibitors like Nexium will do the job and cure your condition. Your gastroenterologist may spend all the time in the world inspecting your esophagus and giving you all kinds of diagnoses, for better or for worse, but as far as possible, you and I know that, for the record, doctors are good at diagnoses, but they are not doing well when it comes to treatment.

Because “Big Pharma” shows up and flushes you with a bunch of meds, antibiotics, fluids, and things that yes, could eliminate your symptoms … that’s only good for the next month or so.

So what? Symptoms return, either of the same type or worse, and here is conventional medicine again prescribing a higher dose of the same drug, and along with that, another drug to add to the list (one that even has trouble pronouncing For the sake of GERD!)

If you’re like me, you’ve probably given conventional treatment methods a name. We call it the “Band-Aid” approach. “Hey, there’s a wound! Give me a strap … Splat! … Hey, there’s another scratch there! Another one please … Splat!” You get the picture. It’s funny in words, but in life, in real life, it’s a different story. One that is thought-provoking and in need of serious consideration.

The next time your doctor calls to make an appointment, do yourself a favor. Ask questions. Be inquisitive about the procedures you want to do. Do not follow their example. Let him know that you want to know the full set of possible side effects that this medicine is capable of producing. And if you are one of the first to try it. Make sure you get your money’s worth.

Then evaluate your options. Think carefully if this would really benefit you in the long run, especially with your desire to get your life back, not just to survive and survive … but to be fully alive again and acid reflux free!

Sometimes it helps to look back and listen to what nature has to say. By that, I mean there are natural and safer ways to address GERD symptoms, without putting all the pressure on the liver and pancreas, trying to flush out drug residues. Simple lifestyle changes, such as the right combination of foods, a natural herbal colon cleanse, and certain foods that surprisingly speed up the healing process while relieving pain, will go a long way toward restoring your health. .

There is no miracle supplement that can cure your acid reflux, but rather a combination of them, along with the proper adjustments that you can make from the comfort of your home. Let’s be honest. I wish it was as easy as taking another purple pill. But obviously you are smart enough to know that this method is not going to get to the root cause.

Whatever the verdict … acid reflux, if left untreated, can go from bad to worse. Someone must act. Will it be you Or your doctor, again?

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