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Conference calling can generate multiple benefits for MLM

The lifeblood of multi-level marketing (MLM) organizations is their downline or membership. It is a constant activity to recruit, train and motivate the downline to sell products and build the organization. Many MLMs have found that using conference calling to achieve these goals has produced extremely vibrant results. So, here are five applications that use teleconferencing to build your MLM into a successful and thriving business.

Recruitment – Conference calls can and should be used to recruit new downlines. These calls should be the responsibility of the existing downline so that they can continue to build their own downline. Each member must draw their own twenty-game conference account. They should schedule thirty-minute conference calls in the afternoons from 6 to 9 p.m. M. As many days as possible for potential members to attend.

A typical call would work like this: the moderator or current member would organize the call and invite at least ten potential members to the call. To get ten attendees, you may need to invite thirty potential clients. You can get leads through email, online and personal marketing. You have all parties dial your conference phone number and enter their access code. Once everyone is connected, the moderator will start the call. The first part of the call is dedicated to introducing the organization and the opportunity to generate income to new prospects. Then examples are given of how much money existing members have made and how successful they are. Sometimes these members personally give testimonials. The conclusion of the call is to close the new buying prospect in MLM with the initial purchase of a sales kit. Here is an example of the results of each teleconference for a successful organization: Ten parties attend and listen to the call, three to four parties are interested, and one or two parties purchase the $ 165. Sales kit. This organization through this conference call procedure recruited thousands of new downlines over a two-year period.

The conference call accounts would be the responsibility of each member and each member would make their own calls and do their own marketing.

Motivational meetings – Headquarters and various regional MLM bosses should hold motivational conference calls to stimulate the downline and inspire them to action. These calls are typically large 60-minute calls, from 100 to 5,000 parties, and involve a lot of fuss and celebration. After the presentations, inspiring success stories are personally connected with the audience, followed by awards and lots of applause. Usually large bonus or commission checks are given out to impress the downline. At the end of the call, the downline is challenged with incentives to motivate them to sell more products for the MLM.

These large calls should be handled by a conference company operator who can place the call in “listen only” mode when the hosts are speaking and then place the call in “interactive” when everyone can hear the applause and excitement of the group. . The operator can also mute any line on the call that tries to interfere or interrupt the call. The operator can conduct polls and conduct “question and answer” sessions. The use of a conference company operator is recommended for their experience with these calls and only costs an hourly rate for labor. Also note that for these large conferences, the free services should not be used due to contention issues. During the rush hours at night when these large calls are made, the number of people using the free services is so great that they are dealing with conference bridges. You can’t afford that half of your conferees can’t make the call. You must use a monthly flat rate service, where you pay a monthly fee for all your calls and get the peace of mind that the conference provider can handle the high volume of your calls.

Sales Webinars – One of the best methods of selling MLM products and services is through the downline using sales webinars. With the advent of web conferencing services over the Internet, MLM members can conduct webinars with their prospects and never have to leave home. They just need a home computer / laptop and a good internet connection and they are in business.

With the use of web conferencing, the host can show PowerPoint slides, display websites and forms, play videos, and use the whiteboard to illustrate principles and calculations. Questions and answers can be asked with the web tool and individual chat can be used to communicate with individual speakers.

Webinar services can be purchased by the minute or by prescription, meaning a flat fee per month based on the number of seats required for your typical webinar. A conferencing company operator can be hired at an hourly rate to run your webinar controls while you and your co-moderators focus on the content.

Heckler Line – The intercessor line is the use of a conference company operator to monitor any or all conference calls in an effort to eliminate interlocutors or persons attempting to interrupt calls. For a simple hourly fee, an operator can quickly identify which line is making noise and mute that line. In large calls, it may be several parties that generate the disturbances. The operator will quickly eliminate these distractions.

Subconference – MLMs can use subconferences within their large conference calls to break up different subgroups based on geography, product line, or organizational divisions so they can have their own internal discussions that relate specifically to that subgroup. After the small groups have finished their separate discussions, everyone can rejoin a large call to move on to the next topic.

The subconferencing function is accomplished through a conference company operator, who would be summoned at the appropriate time by the host to initiate the division of the large call into subgroups. At the end of the subgroup conferences, the host would be reconvened to restore the call in a large group.

There you have it, five MLM teleconferencing apps that can help you recruit, motivate, and sell products and services, leading to building an extremely successful and profitable organization.

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