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Chronic Epstein Barr virus and autoimmunity

Chronic Epstein Barr virus can trigger autoimmunity. Autoimmune disease occurs when the immune system produces antibodies that attack components that normally occur in the body, as if they were foreign. The destruction of body tissues and proteins by the body’s own antibodies causes inflammation, pain, and injury.

Some of the autoimmune diseases that can be triggered by environmental factors like chronic Epstein Barr virus (EBV) include:

  • Rheumatoid arthritis
  • Systemic lupus erythematosis
  • millisecond
  • Myasthenia gravis
  • Sjorgren’s syndrome
  • Sarcoidosis

As for chronic Epstein Barr virus, one study showed that people with the highest rate of EBV antibodies were more than 30 times more likely to develop MS than those with the lowest level of antibodies. More research is needed as there may be other factors involved in the progression to MS.

Autoimmunity is considered by the medical community to be a permanent degenerative disease. Conventional treatment aims to minimize symptoms with anti-inflammatory drugs and steroids. The toxic side effects of these drugs can cause more problems and lead to degenerative diseases.

Fortunately, natural treatments for chronic Epstein Barr and autoimmunity can alleviate symptoms without the unpleasant side effects of conventional medications. Natural treatments aim to control chronic EBV, reduce autoantibody levels, quell inflammation, and heal damaged tissues.

The first step in treating autoimmune diseases is to regain optimal liver and digestive function. The overgrowth of bad bacteria in the small intestine has been linked to the development of autoimmunity. A herbal gastrointestinal supplement followed by a course of good acidophillus bacteria is a good start. The addition of some digestive enzymes such as pancreatin and betaine HCl helps reduce the absorption of external antigens, which is often seen in autoimmune patients.

Liver detox can be done during or after a bowel cleanse. There are some great herbal cleansers available through naturopaths, herbalists, health food stores, and drug stores.

A diet for the natural treatment of chronic Epstein Barr virus autoimmunity should focus on foods high in protein and low in carbohydrates. Each meal should contain some quality protein such as fish, free-range chicken, lean red meat, eggs, legumes, nuts and seeds, or a good protein powder. Plenty of fresh vegetables, salads, and low-carb fruits should make up the majority of every meal. Adding some anti-inflammatory foods like turmeric, ginger, garlic, rosemary oil, pineapple, and paw paw can minimize tissue inflammation.

Vitamins and minerals for chronic Epstein Barr virus autoimmune disease that can reduce inflammation and heal body tissues include vitamin C, zinc, and fish oils.

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