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Can colon hydrotherapy benefit you?

Over the years, I have learned to embrace alternative medicine alongside traditional methods. Too often long-gained knowledge about natural remedies or ancient practices is ignored, so I do extensive research and if I find something interesting, I follow it. The other day I saw a story in the paper about a new colon hydrotherapy clinic opening across town. I was wondering what is colon hydrotherapy? She had never actually heard of anything being done to her colon, other than perhaps an enema. Obviously, this was a lesser known practice and therefore very intriguing to me.

To put it bluntly, during colon hydrotherapy water is introduced into the colon through the anus by means of a tube and various types of pumps or induction machines. Sometimes, more than a dozen gallons of water are pumped out before the therapist gives the intestinal area a little massage. The fluid and all the resulting debris are then essentially sucked up and drained out of your anus.

I know. Doesn’t sound very nice, does it? But in reality the whole process is comfortable and they handle everything in a way where there is no shame and your privacy is totally guaranteed.

So what is colon hydrotherapy for?

Apparently, all the processed foods we eat, the chemicals we’re regularly exposed to, and the average person’s lack of exercise all contribute to the walls of our colon becoming clogged with sticky, toxic gunk. Ideally, the colon itself detoxifies the contents and, along with the liver, processes waste from our bodies. However, we know that very few people live and eat ideally. The plethora of preservatives and additives, pesticides and hormones we routinely ingest can overwhelm some of our body systems or cause potholes in natural processes. Therefore, colon hydrotherapy is performed as an aid to your body’s natural need to cleanse itself of toxins.

It turns out that this process has been done in one form or another since the days of the pharaohs in Egypt. I’m still not sure why colon hydrotherapy is considered alternative medicine. After my treatment, I had literally lost four pounds, and my whole body felt better, like some pressure had been taken off or everything had been rinsed. I noticed over the next few days that my energy level also improved. I’m also focusing on eating the right foods, drinking plenty of good fluids, and getting some regular exercise.

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