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Bathroom accessories – for an easy bathroom makeover

Are you planning to sell your home or maybe just fix it up yourself? The bathroom is one of the main selling points of any home, and you spend a good deal of your time there, too.

Unfortunately, it can be expensive to renovate a room with so many fixtures, plumbing, and electrical issues. So instead of trying your luck with all that copper plumbing, try some deceptively simple and affordable hacks like upgrading cabinet hardware and bathroom fixtures. Choosing good bathroom fixtures with the look you want for your private space in mind can modernize and beautify the space for you and a potential buyer.

Showers and tubs

Replacing an entire shower or tub is a big time commitment and financial investment, but it’s the whole point of the bathroom. In addition to a good bleach scrub, an effective and inexpensive makeover is changing a few key features. No privacy for your shower/tub combo? Install a shower rod that complements the tile, and hang a simple but eye-catching curtain. Even better, buy a set of matching towel bars and toilet paper holders. If you have a little more to spend, ditch the curtain and opt for a glass shower door. They are more popular and look stylish. If you’re selling, a nice addition might be a grab bar conveniently located in the shower. Older shoppers and people with small children will appreciate this simple gesture.


Can’t afford to install new cabinets or refinish old ones? A quick fix is ​​to replace the old cabinet hardware with some stylish new handles and knobs, which give aged wood a new shine. Another good measure is to make sure all doors close properly. There is nothing more unsightly and annoying than squeaky hinges and doors that are always open. Replace old hinges and latches to obtain a proper fit.


While we’re on the subject of doors, is the bathroom entrance also working properly? Keep your business as your own. You don’t want anyone surprising you during your private moments, so make sure they can’t fit a simple lock on the inside of the door. While you’re at it, another nice touch is to update your old door hardware with some new knobs to match your bathroom fixtures.


The most popular and probably the most effective way to enhance the beauty of your bathroom is through a splash of color. This can mean painting a single accent wall, the whole thing, or simply adding colorful rugs and towels. Pictures, plants and flowers will also help to brighten up what can sometimes become a boring and strictly utilitarian room. Next to the bedroom, the bathroom is often a second sanctuary that evokes calm and peace. A relaxing bubble bath isn’t nearly as tempting when you’re surrounded by bare, stark walls and floors. If you’re selling, remember that you’re trying to make it as attractive as possible to as many people as possible. So toss those old tabloids next to the toilet and choose a neutral or ocean-inspired palette to appeal to potential buyers.

Your bathroom should be a comfortable and relaxing place, and you shouldn’t break your bank to make it that way. Cabinet hardware and bathroom accessories provide affordable touch-ups. Getting a little creative and upgrading what you already have will go a long way in redecorating your bathroom.

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