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Barred Plymouth Rock Chickens

Barred Plymouth Rock chicken originated from a cross between a Dominique rooster and a Javanese or Black Cochin black hen in the mid-18th century. The Barred Rock Chicken is truly one of the best dual-purpose birds, a hardy bird even in cold weather, it is also docile, docile, and active. Barred Rocks like to run, but they don’t demand a lot of space. Also, due to their heavy structures, they don’t fly, which means you don’t need a fence to be too high to meet your needs. They don’t need a lot to thrive, so they are very easy to keep and breed. Barred Rock males and females have an upright bearing and are graceful and graceful birds. Chickens rarely breed, but they are good mothers, and roosters mature early into broilers. Barred Rocks are a great practical addition to any batch for everyday use in the year.

Description of adult birds: Barred Rocks have long, broad bodies with moderately deep well rounded breasts. All their plumage is black and white horizontal lines (except) that extend down to their moderately short tails, which spread well in roosters, but tend to be slightly shorter and twice as black per line in chickens, which makes them much darker. . Their combs are medium-sized red in color, a single evenly toothed comb with 5 well-defined tips that are erect. Their legs and beak legs are yellow.

Description of Baby Chick: The chicks are black with a white patch on the top of the head. The tips of the wings and abdomen are white and have simple or serrated combs. The beaks, legs and feet are yellow with some black.

Source: United States

Classification type: Class of americans

Temperament: adaptable to containment or outdoors, calm and docile.

Purpose: dual purpose egg laying and meat production

Meditation: not generally but make good mothers

Sturdiness: cold resistant

Maturing: 20-22 weeks

Mating ratio: 10 females for 1 male

Egg Color: Brown

Egg size: large 26-27 oz per dozen

Lay rate: Excellent

Eggs per year: 280-300

Skin color: yellow

Comb Color: Red

Ear lobes: Red

Wattles: moderately long and well rounded

Weight: Chicken 7 lbs Rooster: 9 1/2 lbs

6 pound cock 8 pound cock

Chicken coop height: 2 feet – 4 feet

Spacing: confined at all times to 10 square feet per bird. Confined at night to only at least 4 square feet of space per bird.

Life Lapse: it depends on how well they are cared for and the quality of life they enjoyed. A standard Barred Plymouth Rock will generally live for about 6 to 8 years, but has been known to reach 10 to 12 years.

Varieties: Barred — Buff– Silver– Pencil Drawn – White – Partridge- Columbian – Blue

Some other facts about this breed: are that the Barred Plymouth Rocks are commonly incorrectly referred to as “Dominicating”. Both the Plymouth Barred Rock and the Dominiquer have the same horizontal plumage of black and white exclusion color lines. However, the Dominiques have a slightly more angular body and a rose comb.

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