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Baby Boomer Seniors: Beyond the Rocking Chair

Beyond retirement and the iconic, stereotypical senior porch rocking chair, Baby Boomer seniors are living longer and finding surprising new ways to share their time, energy, and talents with others in their later years.

Do you remember watching your grandmother quietly knit, while watching television or listening to the radio for seemingly hours while your grandfather sat with her or walked around the house? Well, those days are past when Baby Boomers and seniors across America are taking on new challenges, new roles, and new activities that reflect the fast pace and economic climate we live in.

Today, Baby Boomer seniors are dating more than ever, even taking college classes in various areas of study and interest. In fact, proudly, about 20 years ago, my own mother graduated from the University of Maryland when she was 72 years old with a major in sociology and a major in linguistics. Yes, it took him 10 years, many buses, and many, many nights as he worked toward his lifetime goal of graduating from college with his 4-year degree. To everyone’s surprise, he even successfully took algebra to earn that degree. The course load was heavy, time was well spent, and she was able to achieve her lifelong goal … And that kept her young, alert, and active. My children, siblings, and I will never forget you announcing over the loudspeaker that she was the oldest candidate that day at graduation!

With current statistics revealing that a staggering 80 percent of older people plan to work after age 65, and that between a quarter and a half of them have not been able to save for retirement, things will surely be different for the next generation. Baby Boomer who ages quickly.

It has been estimated that when the Baby Boomer generation reaches 65, the demographic age 65 and over will be double what it is today. With this unprecedented massive number of seniors relying on Social Security for retirement and working into their senior years to supplement their Social Security income, Baby Boomers are in the best financial position to need to work longer, at least part time. in his later years.

That said, they will continue to be one of the busiest generations in history, as they balance work in their later years to earn additional income, help their children with their grandchildren, volunteer in their communities and churches working with the homeless, youth programs and literacy programs, enroll in college courses, join senior centers for art, exercise, and other classes, the list goes on.

With this generation of Baby Boomer seniors giving up the rocking chair in exchange for a more central role in American culture and society, many Baby Boomer seniors will be in a position to share their valuable lifelong experiences, their knowledge and wisdom of his years. with many people inside and outside their homes. Striving to make a significant difference in the world around them, these dynamic and active Baby Boomer seniors will be in the strategic position to positively impact people of all ages and backgrounds in unprecedented ways.

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