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Astrological Forecast for May with New Moon in Taurus and Full Moon in Scorpio

At a time when you are bombarded with bad news of a possible government shutdown, furlongs, economic and political crisis every day through the media, it is essential to find a way to balance your inner emotions so as not to fall into the depression and anxiety.

Personally, I feel the need to empower myself with a vision and an attitude that empowers without ignoring what is. We live in a time of great crisis in our political landscape around the world, the poor are getting poorer and the rich are getting richer. The dollar goes down the drain and more money is printed to plug the holes. We are sitting on a volcano.

I have commented on the larger astrological landscape that accompanies the current and future state of affairs. Two outer planets have been moving into a new sign that signals a significant transformation in the collective consciousness: Uranus in Aries and Neptune in its own sign, Pisces. We are also having 7 exact squares between Uranus and Pluto through 2015 with quite explosive potential.

Without a doubt, the Age of Aquarius with its revolutions is here. We have not had many quiet revolutions occurring on this planet. Most of the time, the revolution means bloodshed and tears for many. But there are exceptions! The Berlin Wall in Germany fell peacefully in November 1989. After 28 years of oppression that was a miracle. The time was ripe and too many people were not willing to put up with the communist regiment in East Germany any longer. This is the power of the people!

Achieving an Ecological Consciousness

Raising awareness for a responsible interaction with the environment and ecology is the theme of the month with the New Moon in Taurus and the Full Moon in Scorpio.

When I talk about the power of us, the people, I mean the freedom to educate ourselves and to be willing to take serious steps to implement new forms of behavior. There are many things you can do. Your purchasing power is speaking the most direct language. Consider putting solar cells on your roof and contributing energy instead of just using it. There are many things you could do to prove your point, like buy organic, make your home green with energy saving measures, support Fair Trade, reduce gas consumption with a car based on renewable green technology and you will have a high impact. .

Make the effort and recycle which is really something you can easily do. Take a shopping bag to the store instead of using more plastic or paper bags. By throwing away less of the stuff you no longer need and giving it to someone in need or just to the next thrift store, the power is in your hands.

After the nuclear catastrophe in Japan, the German government was under so much public pressure that it decided to abandon nuclear power by 2020. New land, solar and wind power technologies will be developed enough to take care of the needs of a highly developed country. industrialized. such as Germany by 2020. A beneficial side effect is the boost to the German economy by exporting these techniques to other German-speaking countries.

New Moon in Taurus Ripens at Full Moon in Scorpio

One of the universal laws is that you always reap what you have sown. If you put a sunflower seed in the ground, you will get a sunflower and not a cucumber. Sounds simple and logical, don’t you think?

Following the lunar cycle will give you an idea of ​​what you have a chance of successfully sowing with the New Moon and an awareness of how it turned out for you with the Full Moon. This month, the New Moon focuses on your individual resources and your financial situation. Taurus is down to earth; practical minded and deeply connected to mother nature. Taurus love beautiful things and experience the world through their senses. He likes comforts and needs to feel safe and secure.

The Full Moon in Scorpio wants the truth and is willing to prune and eliminate accordingly. The Full Moon sheds light on what we started at the New Moon in Taurus. Both Taurus and Scorpio deal with money. Taurus is very personally motivated around that topic; Scorpio could deal more with other people’s money and earth resources.

You may want to consider investing in gold, a true financial safe haven as a way to fight inflation and make some money on your investment. We have been following gold expert Sinclair for many years and he has been spot on with his gold predictions and insights into the broader economic picture.

Around the subject of money there is a high sensitivity because it is very connected to our survival. Sometimes we forget that if we do what we really love, the money will come. The seeds that you put into the ground are your unique talents and gifts that you can exchange with. The great success stories of the world of people like Bill Gates, Tony Robbins or Mark Zuckerberg (Facebook) have been people who have been doing just that; they have been following their passion.

You want to clarify your talents and passions and the universe will present you with matches to help you on your way.

Let’s take a look at this month’s details:

  • New Moon in Taurus May 2
  • Mars enters Taurus on May 11.
  • Mercury and Venus follow Taurus on May 15
  • Full Moon in Scorpio May 17
  • The Sun enters Gemini on May 21.
  • Venus and Mars conjunction May 23
  • Sun Square Neptune May 22
  • Sun Square Chiron May 26

Planets in Taurus

Taurus energy is strong this month with the New Moon, Mars, Mercury and Venus entering this earthy sign. It is an invitation to reconnect with planet earth, to be grateful for the generosity we receive, and to celebrate the joys of having a body. Taurus, the settler, evolves from the sign of Aries, the pioneer. Taurus has the ability to justify with a view to the practical application of ideas.

Lovers Mars and Venus are highly sensual and sexual beings in Taurus. The ancient ritual of the Maypole dance falls at the midpoint between spring and summer and signifies renewal and fertility, the union between the feminine and masculine principles.

The Sun moves towards Gemini

Towards the end of the month, the Sun enters the more mentally oriented and joyful energy of Gemini. Geminis are the butterflies of the zodiac, always moving from one thought or idea to the next, always interested and forever young in their mind. Because of that, there is a youthful openness and interest in life available to you.

When the Sun squares Neptune, you can get sidetracked by confusion or brain fog. Or you can take some time allowing yourself to dream and just be. Smelling the roses, meditating under the stars, walking along the ocean or in the forest are all ways to slow down that monkey mind and relax into a higher state of consciousness.

The Sun square Chiron sensitizes you to hurts and pain in relation to your self-esteem and how you think others perceive you. Remember that only by speaking your inner truth and presenting yourself as an authentic person can others truly relate to you.

I hope you have a wonderful month, aloha and many blessings, Shakti.

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