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An unusual kind of gratitude

Gratitude is an important part of the Law of Attraction, and those who practice it know that being grateful for the things you love brings more of those wonderful things into your life.

It is very easy to be grateful for the things in life that you love. However, there is a gratitude that is not often practiced… in fact, rarely. And it is more important than the gratitude you feel for the wonderful things in your life.

It’s gratitude for the things you don’t love. Things that bother you, things you fear, things that make you angry.

Now, you’re probably thinking, “Why the hell should I feel gratitude for the horrible things in my life?”

The answer to the questions is this: Because every time you experience something horrible, you are having a learning experience. And you came to this planet to have experiences to learn from. As you gain knowledge and wisdom, you raise your vibration.

Human beings are programmed to learn not from the fun and loving experiences they have, but from the horrible and painful experiences. Whenever you feel anger, hurt, frustration, or any other similar emotion, be thankful that you are in the middle of a wonderful learning experience.

You are being given the opportunity to raise your vibration as you gain knowledge and wisdom from the experience. And as you raise your vibration, you attract higher frequency things to you.

When someone does something to you that hurts you or when you see something that upsets you, there are many ways you can respond. You can react with anger. You can stifle the strong emotions you’re feeling and pretend everything is okay. You can forgive them… or try to. Or you can reflect on what they are teaching you and thank them for the valuable knowledge they have given you as a result of the experience.

It’s not always easy, but it is it is always the highest and most beneficial thing you can do for yourself… and for others. As Wallace Wattles says in his book, The science of getting rich:

This (gratitude) will lead you to harmonious relations with the good in everything, and the good in everything will then move towards you.

Since all things have contributed to your breakthrough, you should include all things in your gratitude.

Here is a method you can use to help you feel gratitude for challenging things:

1. Describe the problem. What’s not to like about that? What annoys or angers you about the thing?

2. Muse on the subject until you can figure out what it’s teaching you. Maybe it is teaching you courage, better self-esteem, compassion.

3. Say it out loud or to yourself“__________ makes me feel __________. I’m thankful that I’m learning _______________ from it.”

Use this simple process every day until it becomes a habitual thought process that takes you from focusing on what you don’t like to being grateful as soon as you start to feel uncomfortable about a situation or problem.

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