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A safe remedy for grandmothers to easily cure hair lice with natural products and without chemicals

The only two things you will need for this are:

1. The seeds of a custard apple

2. Some hair oil


Remove the pulp from the seeds and set the seeds aside. Wash the custard apple seeds thoroughly under running water and allow them to dry in strong sunlight for a minimum of 3 weeks until the seeds appear slightly hardened and completely dry.

Blend them in a blender.

Sift the powder through a tea strainer. Discard coarse particles.

Fine powder should be mixed with hair oil and used.

You can store the extra fine powder in a container for future use.

How exactly to use this powder:

When you feel that your hair has become infected with lice, at night, before going to bed, take about 1 tablespoon. of this powder and about 2 or 3 tablespoons. of any normal hair oil that you are used to applying to your hair.

Mix the powder into the hair oil lightly with your hands. Then gently massage the entire scalp with your fingers for about a minute until you feel that it has spread all over the scalp.

This dust is irritating to the eyes, so be careful not to get into your eyes as it could damage them. Therefore, do not use it on very young children, as it could accidentally get into their eyes.

Once done, take a towel large enough to cover your scalp and tie it around your hair. If your hair is long, you can pin it in a bun or tie it in a braid.

Leave this on overnight and the next morning remove the towel from your head. You will notice dead lice and lice eggs / nits all over the towel. Sprinkle your hair and gently comb it with a wide tooth comb before shampooing.

Wash your hair well with a mild shampoo and warm water. This should be done as you are affected by hair lice.

Treat your hair with this remedy until it is completely healed from hair lice. It will not harm your hair or scalp.

This is an easy remedy, without using any chemicals or any other form of medication that can have side effects and damage your hair in the long run.

The powder can be stored in a clean, dry container and kept on hand for future use as it does not spoil.

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