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7 tips on protecting hardwood floors

Hardwood floors are an investment in the value of your home; Protecting these floors is necessary to preserve the beauty of your investment for years to come. There are simple steps you can take that will provide really big long-term benefits by allowing you to avoid the costly and time-consuming process of refinishing your floors more often. It’s also important to remember that every time floors are refinished, some of the wood that makes up the floor is actually being removed. The less polishing you need to do to your hardwood floors, the longer they have the potential to last.

Must-Have Tips for Protecting Hardwood Floors

1) Use throw rugs and rugs to protect high-traffic areas of your floors. By using rugs and rugs in high-traffic areas, you’re minimizing your floors’ exposure to actual damage not only from traffic, but also from drops, spills, splashes, and any exposure to dirt and other debris that the rug protects from. their floors.

two) Place rubber mats in front of sinks or bathtubs to prevent unnecessary exposure to water in these areas. Not only can water warp your hardwood floors, it can also cause stains or “water spots” that are very unattractive.

3) Use a dehumidifier on bathroom floors to remove moisture from the air and limit your hardwood floors’ exposure to that moisture. This will also help limit swelling and shrinkage of your floors due to moisture and steam.

4) Never wear shoes that can damage your hardwood floors on them. Heels, golf shoes, and any other cleated footwear that scratches the bottom can bring all sorts of problems to your beautiful hardwood.

5) Trim the nails of your dogs and cats to prevent unnecessary scratches on your hardwood floors. If you can hear your nails on your floors, it’s time for a trim.

6) Use protectors on the legs of all furniture to protect your floors.

7) Never drag furniture across your hardwood floors. If you must move it, use a hand truck or have a friend help you lift the furniture before you move it. If you must drag furniture across the floor, slide a small rug under the legs of your furniture before you move it.

Keep in mind that when it comes to protecting your hardwood floors from damage, every ounce of prevention is worth a lot of money in a cure.

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