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6 Self Defense Tips and Bar Fight Moves!

I’ve been doing nightclub and pub security for the past 3 years so I have some self defense tips. I’d like to share some tips and tactics on how to properly handle and use self defense at any waterhole where a fight breaks out.

Barbell Fighting Self Defense Move # 1 – If you’re going out for a drink, be sure to bring a friend or even a partner. The more people you have with you, the better because many bar fights end with 3 or more people fighting. Even if it is originally one to one. Having support is a good thing at all times.

Nightclub Self Defense Tips # 2 – Be courteous, polite and respectful to bar staff and especially doormen. I suggest you have a little chat with the gorillas and introduce yourself and have a friendly conversation. Being gorilla friendly will give you an advantage over other customers. Follow these tips below.

Bar Wrestling Self Defense Moves # 3 – If you are being threatened by a drunkard, let a goalie know. Second, avoid club bar fights altogether at all costs. If you end up fighting at the bar, the gorillas won’t be nice to you. They are offended by the people fighting on their territory.

Nightclub Self Defense Tips # 4 – If you end up in a fight, download all the fighting methods you know. The fight will be interrupted by club security in less than 20 seconds, depending on the gorillas.

Bar Wrestling Self Defense Moves # 5 – If you are attacked by a drunkard with a broken bottle or knife, use the bar seats or stools to keep distance between you and the attacker until help arrives. Let the gatekeepers know what is happening right away. Be nice, polite, and don’t act hostile after the fight is over.

Self defense tips for nightclubs # 6 – If you get kicked out of the club, ask the doorman to kick you out to let you out through a different door than your attacker. (Preferably a rear alley exit). Hope you enjoyed these free tips.

Nightclubs and bars can be especially dangerous places due to alcohol, drugs, and testosterone. Remember ladies, always watch your drinks and never accept an open drink from a stranger.

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