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5 tips for new runners

Learn 5 Tips for New Runners

Do you want to live a healthier lifestyle? Do you agree drunk to run the local 5k? Do you want to impress the neighbor ?. In the end, I chose to run simply because I want to lead a healthier lifestyle. Like many people, I wasn’t sure where to start, other than just tying up the old sneakers in my closet and starting to run. Let me share my 5 tips for new runners.

If you’re like me, you turned to the internet to try and find a place to start. Well, if you type “start running” into a search engine, you will quickly be overwhelmed with information and ideas. I wonder how something so simple could end up so complicated. Well, several months, many tantrums and a lot of frustration later, I wanted to share the top 5 tips from one new runner to another.

Invest in a suitable pair of running shoes

This may seem obvious, but I can’t overstate the amount of hassle you can save by taking 30 minutes to work with an associate at your local athletic store. They will check your running pace and many times record it so you can see the mechanics of your feet as you run. Who would say that some people’s feet naturally turn outward when the foot lands (supination) and others turn inward (pronation). I certainly didn’t. After a few minutes with an experienced runner, they were able to recommend the appropriate shoe type for my natural running stride. They were also able to help me decide how much support I needed versus how much cushioning the shoe provided.

After I was fitted with a suitable shoe, the pain in my knees and lower legs (shins and calves) was greatly reduced.

Of all the tips for new runners, this is undoubtedly the most valuable. If you are making a true lifestyle change, this is non-negotiable advice.

Less is more

This may seem counterintuitive, but I assure you trying to do too much too fast PAIN! Running like any other exercise requires periods of effort and recovery for the body to adapt and become stronger. Well, unlike other activities, execution requires longer recovery periods. As you go through the multitude of plans and tips available on the web, as well as through trial and error, the 80/20 rule is the best place to start. 80 percent of your entire run should be low or very low intensity. The best advice is that if you plan to incorporate running into your life, build your foundation and DO NOT TRAIN TO EXCESS.

Walking is perfectly fine

If you are just starting out or have just started running, then you already know that it takes a while to build endurance to run a shorter distance. (When I started, I couldn’t run 1/4 mile.) As long as you build that endurance, there is absolutely nothing wrong with incorporating walking breaks into your training. In fact, it’s one of the best ways to help you build your stamina as a new runner. As long as the walk is at a fast pace, your heart rate and respiration will accelerate, and therefore your body will actively improve its aerobic conditioning. I’m not sure where I first heard it, but it sounds very true;

“You go as far running a 5 minute mile as you are running a 15 minute mile.” – Unknown

Develop a mantra

In the beginning, I struggled to stay motivated. Truth be told, I still have a hard time staying motivated. Let’s face it, it’s hard to be motivated when you can only run for 30 seconds and then walk for 2 minutes. It can be difficult to really appreciate the small gains you make day after day. Don’t let this fight get the better of you. Most people who stop running do so within the first week of trying. Appreciate the small gains and celebrate the improvements. Even if you find that tomorrow you can jog for 31 seconds … celebrate the achievement. You have earned it. If you start having negative thoughts and trust me, EVERYONE does from time to time, develop a mantra to drive the thoughts out of your mind while running. “I have this”, “All walls have doors”, or my personal favorite and “Today, define yourself” are examples of good strong mantras. My own experience suggests that you should avoid negative words in your Mantra. Avoid no, I can not, I do not want, etc., the subconscious is a powerful thing without the need to feed it with negative energy. Whenever you have a negative thought while running, immediately start repeating your mantra. Soon, you will be able to push out negative thoughts as quickly as they appear and allow positive thoughts to replace them. This may be the most overlooked tip for new runners.

Enjoy the process … because there are no shortcuts

I would love to tell you that after only a few months I am running half marathons and enjoying every minute of my newly developed and growing running experience. However, the truth is that I am preparing for my first 5K and although I have come a long way (from 1/4 mile before my first hike break on day 1 to about 4.5 miles before my first hike break after 4 months), it takes work and commitment to want to be better. There are no shortcuts to improve your career. Learn to enjoy the process of learning to run. Take a moment in your light run or during your walking breaks to look around you and see if you can notice something you’ve never noticed before. Enjoy the feeling of accomplishment every time you jog a little more than last time or take a shorter break than before.

At the end of the day, the best way to improve in the race is … to run. I just hope you can do it with less pain and more education than me.

Every mile counts

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