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10 creative ways you can improve your relationship!

Love is always the biggest story. But sometimes, by itself, it is not enough. Both people need to commit and take responsibility for the relationship. Both must be reversed. It is, at the same time, the most difficult and the easiest thing in the world. Today we tell you then what are the 10 things that, in addition to love, are essential for any happy relationship.

1. Trust

Controlling the person we love does not bring us closer to him. Otherwise. It is necessary to trust that we are your choice, to trust that we are important, to trust in the love that you give us (and that we return to you). Trust, ultimately, in the love that binds us to that person. This means not giving in to concerns that, when unfounded and illogical, gradually erode love.

2. Friendship

Surely you have heard that the best love stories were born from friendships. True or not, the truth is that the friendship and affection we feel for our better half is the basis of the entire relationship we have with her.

3. Commitment

The success of a relationship directly depends on how much both parties invest in it. Your relationship should be your priority, invest in it and invest your time, energy, effort. That way, your better half will know that he is important in your life.


Talking is necessary. Listening is necessary. The happiest relationships are those in which both parties put fear and modesty aside and speak openly about what worries them and what motivates them. The passive-aggressive attitude of waiting for the other person to know what we want (because it is their obligation to know) is halfway to disagreements and frustrations.


Because there is no love without respect. Yes. Passion, perhaps. But love? Loving implies respecting the other person. Understand and respect him for what he is. Its truth is not absolute. Neither does the way you see the world. Differences must be respected as much (or more) than similarities are respected.

6. Acceptance

Your better half is not perfect. It’s full of tiny (and delicious) blemishes. You will have defects that will bother you and addictions that will disturb you. It’s part of it. You have to accept the person as a whole. If there is a characteristic in the other person that you do not imagine living with (and that you will hardly accept, even if you say otherwise), it is more likely that the relationship is ‘doomed’ and that, sooner or later, it will end. . But not before a healthy dose of frustration!

7. appreciate

Loving someone you admire is the greatest luck of all. The admiration we feel for the person we love is the feeling that drives us to plan a life for two, to want to be part of that person’s life and to feel proud to have them in ours.

8. Loyalty

Yes, the concept of what constitutes infidelity varies from couple to couple. The important thing is that both respect the ‘rules’. Loyalty is nothing more than respect for the person we have agreed to make a priority in our lives. If you have doubts about your own behavior, just think “if it were me, how would I react?”

9. Sorry

Your better half will fail. Not always, but sometimes. He will disappoint you, he will have attitudes that will make you sad, you can even make him angry. And if he does, he needs to know how to give his forgiveness when asked (and deserved). Get rid of resentments and forgive. This way you will feel the true extent of love, which so often leads us to put someone else’s feelings before our own.

10. Common experiences

When we love someone we want to be part of their life and we want that person to be part of ours. Sharing experiences and tastes is a way to involve someone in our world. Therefore, activities for two are essential, be it unique adventures or mundane everyday things.

It seems simple and it is!

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