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Tips to attract women: the 5 triggers that lead her to bed

Sexual attraction is what seduction is all about. You have to bypass his conscious brain, ration, and work on a deeper level if you really want your seduction strategies to work. Here are some tips for attracting women using 5 sexual triggers that work behind the scenes to get you the girl. I hope you learn from him and make you successful in attracting women.

Social Domain. Clinical studies have shown that social dominance is a huge factor in sexual attraction. Speak loud and clear. When you talk, people listen. Guide the conversation and keep everyone’s focus on you. Self-confidence and self-assurance are also things that help show social dominance.

sexual stereotypes. Think about the type of man most women would be sexually attracted to. Take this as your model and become that person. It’s not just about what you wear, but the way you talk and act. Target the exact type of girl you are looking for because each type has their own sexual stereotype of her.

Social proof. This is a sales term, but in the world of pick-up, it basically means that a lot of people think you’re cool. Social proof is preselection; You’ve already been told that you’re great by a ton of other people.

sexual confidence. This means getting rid of all your sexual anxiety in order to feel comfortable and confident when things get to that sexual level. If you can talk about sex in a way that isn’t horny or needy, it will help to talk about sex in a normal way. Now, sex is just a topic of conversation. It only takes a few steps to turn it into something more.

Excitement. Arousal occurs at the purely unconscious level. Everything is in the body and not in the conscious mind. There are many things you can do both verbally and non-verbally to create excitement. They include dirty talk, eye contact, touching, and many other things. Use physical communication to prepare her emotionally and sexually for what is to come next.

If you use these 5 triggers along with all the seduction techniques you’ve learned, you’ll always have the girl. Remember that you have to work on her body and her subconscious, and then her thinking and rational mind will follow. Use these tips to attract women and include them in your overall seduction game plan. These are the safe techniques used by truck professionals.

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