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take care of goldfish

Goldfish are tuff fish that can live in conditions that would quickly kill other types of freshwater fish. Many people bring home goldfish believing they don’t have to do anything but feed them. That is wrong! By following a few easy tips, you can ensure that your goldfish are happy and healthy. The main points to consider are habitat or tank, water quality, diet, and water temperature. Proper care of your goldfish will allow it to grow to full size, be brightly colored and live a long and happy active life, giving you years of pleasure watching your fish.

A goldfish living in a fish tank is the same as a person living in a prison cell. Fish tanks are generally too small and do not allow for adequate filtration or oxygenation. A tank or pond are your best options. I suggest you get the biggest tank or pond you can because bigger is better for you and better for the fish too. The decorations you put in the tank are mainly for appearance, so get things that complement the bright colors of the goldfish.

Your filter and tank maintenance schedule will take care of your water quality. Compared to most other pet fish, goldfish are big and messy. I take five minutes once a week to clean my tank. Clean any algae off the glass with a sponge first, you can get special tools at the pet store for this if you want. Then with a siphon I clean the gravel and change about a third of the water. Change your filter media only when necessary and follow the instructions that come with the filter because everyone is a little different. Keeping the water clean will solve ninety percent of all possible goldfish problems.

Next to the water quality diet is the most important thing to think about. The food you buy should be specially formulated for goldfish specifically. Goldfish are omnivores and need a balanced diet that is different from most other domestic fish. Most fish feeds on the market are dry, either flakes or pellets. I recommend the pellets because the fish find it easier to eat them. The flakes tend to spread around the tank and sink before they are completely eaten by the fish. Dry foods can lose their vitamin content, so it’s best to supplement your diet with cooked vegetable treats and even worms. Feed your fish three or four times a day. Fish naturally graze on plants and insects throughout the day, so it’s best to feed them more than one large meal a day.

Temperature is important. A goldfish will grow faster and be more active in warm water than in cold water. When they are in cold water, their metabolism slows down. I have a heater in my aquarium, but I only use it in the winter to trick the fish into thinking it’s summer all year. Twenty-four degrees Celsius is perfect, the fish are active and look very happy. You can even breed your goldfish by manipulating the temperature of your tank. Goldfish breed in the spring, so lowering the water temperature for a few weeks and then raising the temperature again will trick the fish into reproducing.

Goldfish are a great choice for a pet fish because they are tuff and hardy. I can’t think of any other type of pet, including any other type of fish that is easier to care for. All you have to do for your goldfish is set up a suitable tank or pond and take care of its basic needs. Keeping the aquarium and water clean only takes a few minutes a week and will give your fish a long, happy and healthy life and give you hours of pleasure watching your beautifully colored large active fish.

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