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GPS security and privacy: pros and cons

As you are well aware, there are many important benefits to consider when using the Global Positioning Satellite System (GPS). It’s invaluable when it comes to browsing unfamiliar areas, but some people think it’s an invasion of privacy. Security and privacy have been openly debated, and most adults believe that it does more good than harm.

GPS tracking devices can provide monitoring data on a vehicle, such as total miles driven, speeds driven, routes traveled, and current location. The sophistication and amount of monitored data available varies by system and the make and model of the GPS device and installation vehicle.

This is also widely seen as an invasion of our personal privacy. For example, a standard car rental agreement usually stipulates that if you go over 79 miles per hour, you will have to pay extra for wear and tear on the car. The car rental company can tell if you are going too fast by receiving information from the GPS tracking devices that are attached to the vehicle. So if you go over 79 miles per hour, they will know about it and you will be billed.

Parents often believe that the security and privacy concerns of GPS are minimal compared to the security of knowing their child’s location. In fact, some parents use GPS devices to monitor the location and activities of their children. If your child does not follow parental guidelines, the parent may choose to suspend driving and socializing privileges.

GPS-enabled cell phones no longer require people to purchase expensive hardware to track a loved one. Cell phone companies now offer this option. However, most mobile phones do not offer the user direct access to GPS data. Precise location determination requires the assistance of the wireless network, and GPS data is transmitted only if an emergency call to 911 is made.

Mobile phones pose many privacy concerns. Consumers are often unaware that their movements are recorded and tracked. Global Positioning Systems (GPS) reveal a person’s location. This type of location data helps police in their investigations, such as tracking down a criminal or even someone missing or missing. They can act as a security device to protect your family and loved ones. Location technology also helps locate stolen cars. The technology of these tracking devices is constantly improving. However, there is a potential for tracking data to be misused.

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