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Bartitsu: an eclectic form of martial art

Bartitsu was developed by EW Barton-Wright, an English railway engineer in 1898 after he had returned from Japan where he had been studying Jujitsu. He decided to recreate a new fighting style, combining his new knowledge of Jujitsu with boxing, Japanese fighting forms and other elements. EW Barton-Wright was the first known person to attempt to combine Asian and European martial arts. Bartitsu spread rapidly in Europe due to his recent interest in the “Orient”. Europeans were also eager to learn new ways of self-defence, as the media had recently cashed in on stories of fear and disaster, pointing out that the more they wrote about street violence, the more money they made. The other factor that contributed to the popularity of Bartitsu was the industrial revolution. Wealthy patrons were losing shape as they had less manual labor to do. And so, due to good timing, EW Barton was able to spread his new technique and merge his own namesake with jujitsu and try to colonize it for the English. Sir Arthur Conan Doyle, who wrote the Sherlock Holmes Books, referred to Bartitsu as “Baritsu”, which stuck.


Barton-Wright intended Bartitsu to be used in self-defense. The basic principles of Bartitsu include throwing the attacker off balance and surprising the attacker before he has a chance to regain his balance. If he does, his strength will fail. If necessary, using techniques that allow you to access his pressure points would also be a good way to maintain self-defense. Joint locks are another option.


Bartitsu became quite obsolete for most of the 20th century, but during 2011 it slowly began to revive. There are no full Bartitsu schools, however there are classes, clubs and workshops available. Today these schools teach Bartitsu in the form of hand-to-hand combat, with the goal of mastering each style in the way that they can be used against each other. This hybrid martial art form covers four close-range and long-range combat, including medium-range stick striking, close-range kicking, close-range punching, and ground fighting as a means of close combat. to body The aforementioned fighting styles demonstrate the same traits as the four main martial arts; Judo and Jiujitsu, Boxing, Stick Fighting and Savate. Bartitsu was always meant to be a form of ranged fighting, and only to be used as close combat in extreme circumstances. Training of this early form of hybrid martial art is practiced in accordance with the Neo-Bartitsu teachings, which includes original articles, demonstrations and lectures designed by Barton-Wright combined with its current potential. Bartitsu today is a collage of stick, Jiujitsu, and defense techniques, which were implemented and administered by club members and their students from 1903 to 1923. In the early Bartitsu era, students wore knee-length pants and long-sleeved jackets. short for the training of Jiujitsu and t -T-shirts and socks up to the knee for the practice of fight with stick, Savate and boxing. Practitioners use hook-grip sticks or regular sticks dominated by ball handles, depending on technique and stick. There is a number of body protection equipment used in Bartitsu, such as arm, torso and shoulder protectors, knee and chin protection, padded gloves and a three-weapon fencing mask. This level of protection during training depends entirely on the type of combat, be it melee, medium or long range, and the use of mouth guards, groin guards and boxing guards is recommended.


Bartitsu combines various fighting styles into Barton-Wright’s own style. Jiu-jitsu and judo, originating in Japan, were combined with other European fighting styles, such as boxing and wrestling. Also includes Savate, from France, and Cane Fencing. This type of martial art is quite accommodating, combining a number of standing and clinch techniques, lunges and strikes from the Vigny style of kick fighting, grappling strategies from judo, and joint locks from jiujitsu. The footwork is similar to the styles exemplified in Savate and boxing, with the stances slightly different than the latter. However, there is no affirmative information about the level of boxing in Bartitsu, but it is proven that the sport was used to relate it to current self-defense tactics. Some of these moves may have been excerpts from scientific or traditional boxing, including blocking, ducking, and dodging techniques. The difference between the Bartitsu and Canne fights is that the latter does not use a hand shield, which was taken into account for various styles in the former. There are also a number of offensive and defensive Bartitsu techniques, which are quite versatile. First is the defensive cloak method, which allows practitioners to defend themselves when their attacker shows a knife. With this technique, you simply throw your coat over your assailant’s face, momentarily distracting him and giving you an opportunity to land your punches and kicks. You can also wear a hat instead of a coat or any object to cause the main distraction. As far as Bartitsu’s offensive moves are concerned, there are many, as the sport is a combination of various martial arts. Basic stick techniques are done with a jab, lunge, slashes, while Savate is implemented in offensive mode with Chassie Crossie Kicks and Coup De Pied Bass.

How the competitions work

Bartitsu competitions are held in various ways and in different clubs around the world. Although there is no concrete information about the terms, level and qualification of each of these authorities, the fact that it is a sport with a large number of fans is quite evident.

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